Factory setting the fan comes on at 103C. Can someone tell me at what temp does the fan turn off.
I am noticing somethings that I am finding a bit puzzling.
Dealership installed a digital temp gauge on Edsel last week to help monitor the demons that possesses him.
I have the fan temp set to...
Hello Rocketeers,
Checked my radiator level and had to add about a cup to see the coolant at the top of the
filler neck. Can't see anything in the overflow with bike upright. Bike is not leaking coolant
or if it is it's beyond me seeing, but sure it's not. Has never run hot. Replace stock w/...
Hello. When my engine cools, fluid builds up on the radiator cap. According to me, the cap is damaged. Has anyone ever had this problem and can there be an automobile cap that would be compatible?
Does anyone have a write-up on changing out the radiator hoses? I have a leak in one of them and figure I should change them all. I have a 2009 R3T. pictures are always good as well as any tips and tricks others have had on this. I am in the United States, so any hoses that are in the states...
Hey Rocketeers,
Going to flush and refill my radiator on 2012 Roadster.
What is a good tutorial to use or just tell me how to do it, if you could.
What do I remove to drain radiator, etc.
Does the radiator cap simply twist off or does that little bolt on the cap have to be removed.
On refill...
So I was wondering if anything can save me. I had removed the shroud around my radiator and when putting it back on I got my bolts mixed up and poked a hole in the the top of the radiator. Anything short of a new radiator? TIA.
Hi all, checking the beast this morning and noticed what looks like a "wet spot" on the radiator, overflow tank level is also down a bit. Question is? Is it OK to add distilled water to the overflow tank to top it off until I can get it looked at by my mechanic?
This may have been done before, so if it has, mods please delete.
While flushing the coolant and fitting the new Samco silicone radiator hoses, I decided to have a crack at modifying the sight gauge on the radiator overflow bottle.
My one is grey, and I can't tell what the level is without...
Selling a few parts here. All prices are plus postage, Removed from a 2006 Rocket III with 20k miles on it.
Triple TORS silencers including exhaust brackets and heatshield covers. These are in decent condition, there is a scrape and some cracking of the chrome on the underside of the bottom...
Hi all, Im looking for a good condition set of radiator surround pieces in Black. I know I can order it new as a kit from Triumph, but thought I'd check first to see if someone has a set they're not needing that they'd like to sell. I have a delivery box in the US, so shipping to Canada wouldn't...
The saga with Cameron's, formally my, radiator continues. The radiator is toast, that is, the bent & crushed bypass hose tube at the bottom of the radiator cannot be repaired. So, we need a radiator. I spoke to a nuc welder friend and he told me trying to weld steel to aluminum is near...
I took my radiator and fan assembly out, and for the life of me I can’t figure out where the connector on the bike os to plug it back in. Can anyone please help.
I'm not sure what to call this one but I was at Cameron's Friday assisting while he replaced the lower radiator hoses. I'd been having issues with it since I had it serviced but thought it was resolved before he and I traded bikes. The darn radiator was still leaking somewhere so, since the...
Since my October knee replacement surgery I've gotten out on 3-4 rides on my BMW and sidecar rig but delayed riding my Touring until I felt that the knee was strong enough to deal with any big bike issues, such as an unexpected pressure from parking lot lean over etc.
Yesterday I decided it...
Nothing to do with me but they appear reputable.
AU $629.00
Postage: AU $40.00 Standard Postage in Australia
I do not think their postage rate to the USA would attract too many buyers though!;):(:eek:
Postage: AU $400.00 International...
I need a broken radiator that is not too broken. I have a friend who builds radiators and is keen to build a custom one for me and if he can take his time the cost will be reduced greatly. The object is to build a narrower multi core radiator and we need an intact radiator to get the fitment...