
  1. Hoppe Fairing - 2014 R3T

    Hey lads; Its been a long cold winter for us up in Canada and im sure some of you in the states. That being said im ready to get my big winter upgrade ordered. So i need to know has anyone ordered a Hoppe fairing, if so is there any upgrades you'd recommend amp, windshield change etc...
  2. Want to Buy Front Fender Rail Kit for R3T

    Hello all, I'm still interested in purchasing the complete front fender rail kit for my 2008 R3T if anyone has one for sale or knows a place that has them in stock, that information would be greatly appreciated. Sincere thanks in advance for your help regarding this item. Booya
  3. Wanted; R3T Quick Release Sissy Bar Parts

    I am looking for the 2 quick release mounts for the sissy bar on a R3T. I had a friend make me a mount for my "Harley style tourpak" that is attached to the quick release mount. We pulled the bar out and plugged the new mount in it's place. It's a great setup, but when I want to have just the...
  4. Which Is The OEM Map For R3T?

    Is Tuneecu map 20367 the identical map to the one in the 2011 R3T when it left the factory? If not, which Tuneecu map is the identical one? Thanks.
  5. TOR's for Touring R3T

    Hello from Holland. One of my fellow touring Friends is looking for a pair of TOR's . I can organise an address in Northern Ireland to ship to. Please let me know if you have a pair: TOR's, D&D's or even Raask pipes. Thanks, Hans Netherlands
  6. Best R3T Seat For Tall Guys?

    If you're over 6' 2" and you have a seat that is comfortable on long rides (and cost under $700) please tell me about it. I've tried highway pegs and risers and switching to a 2008 touring seat but they're not getting the job done. Thanks.
  7. R3T in basement

    Just pulled my bike into my heated basement for the winter. Can't wait till my wife gets home from church. Their will be hell to pay!!
  8. new to me 13 r3t,

    Been on harleys for 40 years, recently retired and couldnt afford to keep them runing so I bought a honda st1300. The thing wanted to go fast all the time and didnt fit me. So I bought a r3t this is what iv been missing all along.
  9. Winter-Dust Cover -R3T

    Hey lads; I just winterized my R3T and realized the cover is was using for my old VTX1300 is no where near big enough. I called Triumph and was going to bite the bullet and order their cover but turns out they discontinued it. Have you lads any thoughts on which covers will actually fit a...
  10. Motortrike- R3T with trunk and fairing 5/15?

    Has anyone besides me noticed the verbiage from Motortrike stating there will be a fairing and trunk option from them for the trike in 2015? https://www.motortrike.com/TriumphRocketTrike.aspx AVAILABLE OPTIONS Front & Rear Billet Aluminum Wheels (available 8/2014) 17" tires Front Wheel...
  11. Brakeaway Installed on 2014 R3T

    Hey lads; So the brakeaway 7CP01 does fit the Rocket 3 Touring. I installed mine today in about 20mins
  12. Reccomendations for Oil R3T. Amsoil?

    Hey lads; Lets talk about preferred / best oil for a R3T with minimal mods. TORS, Ramair and the power tripp tune with a @HansO update. @neveragain has suggested AMSoil and has provided me some positive reasons. Whats your thoughts?
  13. Kuryaken ISO Grips 2014 R3T

    Hey lads; Despite what cruisercustomizing.com says the 2014 R3T requires the ISO Grip 6236. Im not sure about the roadster or older models but the 2014 is throttle by wire and the ones recommended by cruisercustomizing.com (iso grips 6240) will not work. Go figure...
  14. New R3T Owner

    Hi all, Just picked up an '08 R3T. Loving it so far. Alex
  15. Blue R3T for sale in Minnesota.

    Is someone on here selling a Blue R3T with a Harley matching Tour Pack and a Bushtec Hitch who lives in Minnesota? Got a guy looking at it and Im trying help him learn more about it.
  16. For Sale R3T Tow Bar For Sale

    This tow bar is for a R3 Touring New price is $450 AUD +Postage+ Ball+Plug Comes with a chrome tow ball and 7 pin flat trailer plug. Half new price would be around the mark. Send me a PM. Below Link to manufacturer site. http://www.classicind.com.au/List/
  17. R3T batwing fairing from Reckless Motorcycles.

    Hey lads; Anyone on here have a R3T with a batwing. If so can you post pics along with the batwing manufacturer. I'm interested in side views. I've been looking at reckless motorcycles but they're version seems to sit a little far forward am I just imagining it?
  18. WOW R3T Supercharged Trike going up for Auction......

    Look what I found just having a poke around at the auction sites.... Nice Indeed. http://www.pickles.com.au/cars/item/-/details/CP-05-09--Triumph--ROCKET-III--Road--Trike--2-Seats/1602067103
  19. A new addition to the R3T family

    Triumph is releasing a complete turn-key Rocket lll Touring TRIKE! My dealer has the very first one! If you love the Rocket, but the weight is getting a little unmanageable, this is the ticket for you! Imagine a BUILT motor R3 leaving TWO thick black stripes on the ground leaving the stoplight!
  20. 2008 R3t
