
  1. 2nd Ride on my R3T

    I couldn't stand it anymore. My new bike's been sitting in my garage more than a week without me being able to ride. Arghhh! I finally decided to ride it to work Saturday afternoon. I needed to make a noontime drug prescription pickup and decided to swap vehicles for the return trip to work...
  2. R3T Heated Grips

    Does anyone have any experiance with the factory heated grips for the Rocket III Touring?
  3. Interesting R3 classic + sidecar rig

    Is currently for sale on ebay Whadya reckon Flip? Link Removed
  4. Next bike will be an R3 Tour

    Anybody want to buy a Vulcan 1500? I was out of riding for 25 years and knew the Kawi dealer. Bought the 1500 FI, added pipes and intake and had a really great ride this summer to Sturgis. I almost got sold on the HD and decided I had to find out just how top heavy the R3 is. It's not. Sits...
  5. Modified Tunes for The R3 Touring

    Compliments of GPMAZ. Some dyno tweaking to get 117 HP and 138 lb ft.
  6. Building the R3

    :cool: This is how it´s done :D
  7. a couple of question about my R3 fuel overflow

    when I dropped my bike recently, while inspecting my body on the pavement and , as most bike riders, after a brief check that I could wiggle my toes and my fingers and they we're all still attached, I looked over a my bike now painfully on its' left side. First thing I saw was gas dribbling onto...
  8. Need help finding part number for my R3

    I need help finding a part number. I live a long ways from any Triumph dealer, and the closest dealer was unable to identify the part over the phone on the microfiche. The instruments on my R3 are attached to the upper handlebar clamp via a bracket and 2 screws. There is a cheezy chrome...
  9. R3T w/Tuneboy Dyno Results

    I finally got the time to take my R3T to the dyno yesterday to see how the new Tuneboy tune was working. The results were pretty good, 110HP/140TQ. However the bike was running too lean (approaching 16:1), above 5000 RPMs. I sent Wayne a copy of the dyno sheet and when I woke up this morning I...
  10. R3T Tranny/final drive noise?

    Anyone ever experienced this? Doesn't do it all the time but a lot, rolling slowly to a stop there is a clunka-clunka- clunk noise. Like driveline slop. Its going to the dealer next week but I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem?
  11. R3 oil filter

    I need info on where can I order a replacement oil filter for 07 R3 on-line? Any suggestions would be appreciated, local dealer in my area never seems to have any and I am tired of waiting - . - I need to make sure that it's the same as stock so the chrome cap will fit over it.:confused: - -...
  12. R3 and Bonneville, trade back down to Bonneville?

    I owned a 02 Bonneville sold it and got the 06 rocket classic a couple years ago. Thought about goung back to the Bonneville, the weight of the R3 gets a little old, the Bonnie was so easy to manuver, but, love both bikes, but the bonnevilles do work better for around town and some day trips...
  13. R3T ECU swap

    Just throwing this out for discussion.... How feasible would it be to swap out the Touring ECU with.......say a Rocket Classic? Why do such a thing?? To find all the lost power of course! :D Would it be an easy swap or wire splice city with questionable reliability?
  14. Glowing comments from Cycle World on R3T

    Oct edition claims R3T "won going away, picked as number one by 3 riders and making all 8 riders top 3 list". :DNot bad from the same publication that did not like the standard.:mad:
  15. R3T Mileage with Tuneboy Tune

    Finally got some time to put on a few miles since loading the latest Tuneboy tune for my R3T. All the riding I'd done before today was to 'test' the tunes. That consisted of many zero to 100 mph runs. On my way out this morning I topped off the tank and quickly calculated that my 'testing' had...
  16. R3 Touring Auxiliary Power Socket

    Has anyone purchased an Auxiliary Power Socket, part number A9938047? There are no pictures nor discriptions availble. I'm interested to know where it mounts. Can anyone help?
  17. Woodward Dream Cruise Michigan 16Aug08

    Seen at Woodward Dream Cruise Michigan 16Aug08
  18. Woodward Dream Cruise Michigan 16Aug08

    Seen at Woodward Dream Cruise Michigan 16Aug08
  19. Triumph Aux lights for R3 touring, parts missing

    Just FYI, I just got off the phone with Triumph. I made the mistake of not checking to make sure all the parts were in the box before installing my new light kit. (A9938085) It seems that Triumph left out the second wire harness for the light bar. According to them, this is a not the first...
  20. Beringer Aerotec & Aeronal for R3

    Check these beauties from France! Ride report to follow soon. Quote from installation manual: "CAUTION: From now on there will be an immediate change in braking power. Brake lever operation will occure a considerable deceleration of the motorbike. Beringer cannot accept any...