

    HI ALL hello from the uk hope you had a lovely christmas and all the best for the new year. I am a proud r3 classic owner and love it still riding at 65 and hoping for many more years. Thanks for accepting me into your group ,best I've looked at . Best regards to all Dave
  2. Newbie...Just Purchased a 2023 R3 GT in Saphire Black

    I struggled between the GT and the R but being 59 the upright bars, heatde grips and a few other options helped me make the difference. I havent put a miel on it but already considering mid controls. I understand the Mid cotrols with the higher handlebars are a nice match. Being 5'8" with a...
  3. Carbon Fibre trim parts for 2500cc R3

    I'm not sure if this has been posted before but heck, here goes...... Do you wish to add lightness to your Rocket 3 ? If the answer is YES then click on the slinky-dinky-linky below and lighten your wallet a little bit more.....(You know you want to...:whitstling:) Store
  4. 2020 R3 GT Storm Grey - New Member

    Planning some great rides in 2023, need to outfit the bike for touring. Gonna be fun!
  5. R3 TFC all carbon

    Wanted to share some updates to my R3 TFC, with all the carbon parts by KR-Techno. - Carbon "V" Radiator Guard - FlyScreen "V" Carbon - Mudgard Rear Carbon - Splash Guard Carbon
  6. Hi, new here, r3 gt my 22 owner

    New on forum, long time rider, last half year on r3gt. Previusly ktm 950 adv, yam fjr1300, kaw versys 650.... Best to all
  7. Speedometer Accuracy 2022 Rocket R3

    I"ve got a 2022 Rocket R3 with just over 600 miles. I use Waze on my phone to alert me of traffic issues to and from work. I recently noticed that the Rocket's speedometer was reading between 4 to 6 mph faster than what Waze was indicating my speed at. For instance, traveling down the highway...
  8. Just received my R3

    I am a happy owner of a 2013 Triumph Thunderbird Storm and I just have bought a 2020 R3R in an auction. It will be my Winter project. Motorcycle needs Left footpegs, gear lever, mirrors, clutch lever, crankcase protection and some minor stuff.
  9. R3 Touring ran fine now it won't start

    just bought this 6800 total miles 2008 model in July. I trailered it home from Delaware and took it directly to the local Triumph dealer for a new front tire and inspection. Finally got it back this week and it started running rough on the 10 mile drive home. I did pull into a Sheetz for gas...
  10. New R3 Touring owner from Northern Virginia

    I just bought a 2008 Touring model and am anxious to enjoy it before the season here ends. It's my first Rocket so feel free to offers tips and advice on it's care and feeding. Look me up if your in the neighborhood. I also have a VTX1800 I bought in April. It was my starter bike after taking...
  11. My R3 tourer

    Here’s the bike I’m having triked
  12. R3 Touring exhaust options

    Hi all, I'm looking to try and get a list of exhaust options together for the Touring model (mine is 2009) ive spent hours going through the forums and whilst a few option have been bought up theres not a list of them all in one place. For me im currently considering my options as the standard...
  13. Slimmed down R3

    I bought this bike as a wreck and decided to slim it down not really knowing how it would end up. First to go was the radiator. Replaced with a custom dual core. Always disliked the twin headlights so sourced a single headlight and shoe-horned it into the cowling along with the speedo and tach...
  14. R3 Passenger Backrest Height

    Understand the R3 GT passenger backrest is adjustable. Can anyone tell me the size of the backpad (LxW) and how high the upper edge of the pad is above the pillion? Trying to compare to my current setup. Much appreciated!
  15. clutch reinstall thrust washer locations on 2013 r3 phantom red roaster,,i had this bikes clutch in a box ,basket case when i bought it,,,HELP

    were does idem part number 23 go and its place on the reassembly per the factory triumph manual I HAVE,,its called a spacer clutch assembly part number T1172727,,i got everything thing else and identified there placements per the manual on the tranmission output shalf,,but this spacer needs to...
  16. Decided to get a r3 touring

    I have had a few bikes, seems I like to flip them and then miss them and get another. It is expensive but thats what extras shifts are for i guess. I have had a 2005 standard which I wrecked and then a 2018 which had a output shaft leak that the shop charged 2k for which I did not like so I...
  17. Captain Down, selling an essentially brand new R3GT

    Browsing Facebook today I found a post of a captain who injured his back and is now paralyzed, permanently. He's put his brand new R3 up for sale for a good price, only 3200 miles on it. Just posting this to raise awareness, I have no personal involvement with him. Sounds like a tough...
  18. I've been posting and commenting.... When do we get allowed to post... I broke my spine must sell my r3

    Is there a certain number of comments I must do... I thought it was unlocked but just went to make a forum post and no luck