
  1. Soon to be r3 owner

    im a Brit that now lives in Wisconsin.ride a thunderbird now but about to get a rocket.love the thunderbird but just can't resist the rocket any longer.
  2. 2007 R3 Classic on it's way!

    Hey folks, Biebs here...new to this forum. I'm a 62 year-old long time rider. I've recently been going back and forth between sport bikes and cruisers, but finding I'm too old for the ****** rockets and too bored with HD-type underpowered cruisers. I did a search on STANDARD motorcycles, and saw...
  3. new to me 13 r3t,

    Been on harleys for 40 years, recently retired and couldnt afford to keep them runing so I bought a honda st1300. The thing wanted to go fast all the time and didnt fit me. So I bought a r3t this is what iv been missing all along.
  4. New R3 owner in South Carolina

    Hi everyone! I'm now the proud owner of a beautiful '05 Rocket III. While this is my first R3, it's definitely not my first Triumph - in fact it makes my fourth Hinckley bike, all triples of course! Started with an Adventurer, then to a 1st generation Sprint and most recently a super cool '97...
  5. For Sale Just testing the waters, 2014 R3R done up...

    2014 Triumph R3R, what's your best offer, be reasonable... Corbin bags and fairing with 3 shields, 6, 10, 12 inch Corbin backrest with pod for solo seat stock and long haul seat with backrest low sissy bar and luggage rack 3 into 1 and stock exhaust belly pan triumph tank pad triumph rain cover...
  6. Build questions for my '12 R3R Street Fighter

    Hey all, I bought Natalie, my 2012 Rocket III Roadster, on October 25th 2013, and after putting a couple thousand miles on her through various parts of Texas it's time to begin messing with her. Here she is at the Battleship Texas, near Houston. Guards chased me off just after I managed to...
  7. Winter-Dust Cover -R3T

    Hey lads; I just winterized my R3T and realized the cover is was using for my old VTX1300 is no where near big enough. I called Triumph and was going to bite the bullet and order their cover but turns out they discontinued it. Have you lads any thoughts on which covers will actually fit a...
  8. PSA - TuneECU might have a weakness on 2014+ R3s.

    Disregard, there is a work around and the good TuneECU tuners know it, get thee to a Dyno!
  9. Motortrike- R3T with trunk and fairing 5/15?

    Has anyone besides me noticed the verbiage from Motortrike stating there will be a fairing and trunk option from them for the trike in 2015? https://www.motortrike.com/TriumphRocketTrike.aspx AVAILABLE OPTIONS Front & Rear Billet Aluminum Wheels (available 8/2014) 17" tires Front Wheel...
  10. Brakeaway Installed on 2014 R3T

    Hey lads; So the brakeaway 7CP01 does fit the Rocket 3 Touring. I installed mine today in about 20mins
  11. Hi all! Just got a new R3 but missing toolkit and owners manual?

    Hey guys, Just had a quick question. I downloaded an owners manual online but now I realize that im missing the entire toolkit that is supposed to be under the seat.. That is supposed to come with the bike right? Just want to be sure just incase the dealer makes an excuse for the missing...
  12. New to the world of Triumph R3

    Hello all. Well i am a born again biker who went and bought a Harley straight away after passing my test. After living with her 7 weeks i decided not to waste any more time and have bought a 2014 Triumph Rocker 3 roadster. I have not even test riden one although i have studied the life out...
  13. new R3 owner in Vancouver

    Hello R3 riders, I purchased a 2005 Rocket 3 a couple of days ago in Washington, and once the importation documents and procedures are complete will be riding it home hopefully in a week. I am the third owner, and the first owner really loved his bike. He passed on the Rider and Cycle World...
  14. Reccomendations for Oil R3T. Amsoil?

    Hey lads; Lets talk about preferred / best oil for a R3T with minimal mods. TORS, Ramair and the power tripp tune with a @HansO update. @neveragain has suggested AMSoil and has provided me some positive reasons. Whats your thoughts?
  15. Happy R3 owner in South Texas

    Today I purchased an '05 R3....I rode it 218 miles home, I absolutely love this machine. I have wanted one since I first read about them when Triumph first introduced them! VERY HAPPY OWNER!
  16. Kuryaken ISO Grips 2014 R3T

    Hey lads; Despite what cruisercustomizing.com says the 2014 R3T requires the ISO Grip 6236. Im not sure about the roadster or older models but the 2014 is throttle by wire and the ones recommended by cruisercustomizing.com (iso grips 6240) will not work. Go figure...
  17. New R3T Owner

    Hi all, Just picked up an '08 R3T. Loving it so far. Alex
  18. Blue R3T for sale in Minnesota.

    Is someone on here selling a Blue R3T with a Harley matching Tour Pack and a Bushtec Hitch who lives in Minnesota? Got a guy looking at it and Im trying help him learn more about it.
  19. R3R DIY Mufflers

    Thinking about ordering two of these and using a mandrel bent 45mm 90 degree on the left side of the bike to mate it. Once fitted I would have them both ceramic coated, including the brackets and clamp. Curious if anyone has tried this before and if so how did it work out? Goal is more flow...
  20. R3R first ride video

    I found this video to be a rather humorous video of someone's 1st ride on a Rocket