Although I am sure everyone is tired of talking about rear shocks I would like to throw out a couple thoughts and questions to the experts who will hopefully correct any misconceptions. This relates to a Roadster.
I do not know what it is about the stock rear shocks but they sure doe not...
Decided to upgrade the fork springs on my Roadster and with Progressive (the brand)
What is the fork oil capacity?.. concidering the Progressive's have more coils than the standard type.
My right side Progressive 440 has begun to leak a little fluid. Not running, but sweating enough to gather dust. Performance has begun for fade. I called Progressive and they said they won't repair non warranty shocks even for a fee because they have stopped production of the 440 and only...
What is the Manufacture No. for a Rocket three Roadster. Finding all kinds of conflicts on the web sites. About to say the #ell with it and go with the Wilbors.
Hi all,
Just had my 2016 R3R for a few weeks . Was researching progressive shocks. When I check their website 2015 and later model R3Rs do not come up.
I see 444-4209B is compatible with 2014 models. Does it work on 2016 R3R ?
is 12.5 inch the right length ?
I weigh 205 lb. May have a...
Hey folks,
Just glanced at a Progressive TV commercial today and it looked like the bike in the scene may have been a R3. I just couldn't be certain that I was seeing a rocket. Anyone see the commercial? Progressive TV Commercial, 'Double Life'
Could one of you fine chaps send me the printed set of serial numbers on the coil spring so i can see what ive got in my hand these are showing I-15337 1442-30
Morning all, yesterday was full of joy untill i opened the box...i had ordered progressive 444-4209c what recieved were 444-4038c, i contacted the seller in the UK he swore blind they were the same ie 12.5 standard shocks that would suit the job??? Upon searching there not listed for R3!!! Could...
Just picked up a set of progressive 13 inch springs. Issue is they are approx 1/4 inch too long to install even with the bike jacked up and rear assembly extended...any cute tricks to compress the ****ing spring/shock has vice grips didn't do jack ****...bloody mess
Hi all trying to order some progressive front and rear upgrades from motorcycle superstore in the good old US of A...nightmare comuniction!! Im in Thailand and wont ship here im back in the UK in a few weeks so hoping to set some collection up... Anyone know any other suppliers out there...last...
So 2 weeks ago I purchased R3R. Bike was stock other than having progressive suspension. I believe that the previous owner said it was lowered an inch. Here is my issue....I have rode 350 miles in the last 2 weeks and I have scrapped the pegs around a few corners in town. I also went up into...
I do believe that's a Rocket III in the latest incarnation of motorcycle insurance pitch from Progressive with Flo. Dark one with a fly screen. Can't miss the twin headlamps and the radiator.
A gentleman I purchased some parts from for my 2014 R3R let me know he has a pair of 412 shocks with appx 8000 miles on them. Is this something I should even consider buying? They look to be appx 235.00 $ new. I assume this is for a pair.
Also, has anyone used these on their m.c. and...