I hope this isn't the billionth post on this subject. I did a search and a bunch of threads turned up but I couldn't find the information I needed.
We lost both of our local Triumph dealers, one in Gorst about 15 minutes from here and the other in Tacoma. I was able to buy an oil filter and...
Anybody seen or tried these before?
There are 3 plugs from memory to remove to drain Rockets (without crawling under my bike), I'm not sure these are all the same size. Would you need 3 of these?
Not cheap at all!
£37.95 Approximately AU $63.50
£24.98 (approx. AU $41.80) Expedited Delivery to...
I'm performing my first oil change on this bike and have found that the tank plug has been stripped. I've started to siphon the oil out of the tank and seems to be working, slowly. Outside of removing the oil pan is this the best choice? Can I turn the engine over and try to move the oil to...
Hi guys,
My spark plug leads are getting old 7.5 years... I think time to refresh...
Has anyone used Nology Hotwires?