1. Parthe

    How to move the licence plate

    I am a law-abiding citizen and obey the rules of the road, but there are times when rules get broken, like breaking the speed limit when overtaking (this was recommended to me by a policeman). With the above in mind I am after moving the licence plate of my 2020 Rocket 3 GT in such a way as to...
  2. kazjim

    I got plates! - resurrected wreck!

    G'day all, you may recall that I bought a bit of a wreck a few months back - '07 Touring edition with serious front end damage. Today it went for it's registration inspection (NSW, Australia) and passed with zero comments or issues! Went for a little run of about 50 klms and now I think I...
  3. Azisbest

    Trashing license plates

    I ran a quick search and didnt see anything on this issue. Is anyone else having problems with their license plates cracking and falling apart? I am on my third plate since my 2020 GT was new and they keep cracking at the mounting bole holes. I even bought a plate frame to help support the...
  4. captainsparkle.com

    Fibre clutch plates

    Hi all, been a while since! I have recently "burnt out" my clutch (2007 Classic). the friction plates are well below thickness, so I ordered a new set of EBC, eventually! At the moment they're like rocking horse excrement, so I was pleased to find some, & a set of EBC stronger springs. I would...
  5. SonOfJorEl

    A little birthday gift for me...

    Unfortunately, due to unexpected house reno reasons, I won't be able to get my R3 this riding season. Buuuut, in anticipation of it for end of year / early next year, I bought a little gift for myself on my birthday. What do ya'll think? Cant wait for it to arrive and hang it over the spot...