I have a R3R 2011 and I'm considering the PCV+AT, but had a few quick questions.
1. Is this even a good idea off of stock to get the PCV+AT or should I be looking at some other mods first? Such as the triple K&N or something else?
2. I see the AT option has an exhaust sensor that can be...
I researched the hell out of this on this forum prior to doing it. Everything I found indicated a PCV/AT would work on a 2008 R3T. Now I just read a post from Hanso saying it might not. Mine has been installed now for several months and running fine. It really stunk (exhaust gas) with the...
Im going to post this more specific question in the tuner section, but researching the pricing they seem to have several of "last years" model available for under $320 USD and they are listed for roadsters from 2008 -2011. The "new model" for 2012 is still around $355 and shows for 2011-2012...
Im going to post this more specific question in the tuner section, but researching the pricing they seem to have several of "last years" model available for under $320 USD and they are listed for roadsters from 2008 -2011. The "new model" for 2012 is still around $355 and shows for 2011-2012...
Would any of you clever sods tell this retard if my Auto tune is set up right? I had a map from Hans sent too me (thanks :)) And done 100 miles and need to transfer the readings over :confused: for my setup? Now, i thought a piece of piss to do this, but no, F*ck all in the table to transfer...
So I have been running with the PCV for a little over a week. Done a couple 100+ mi rides and always go in and click "Accept AT Trims" after a ride. Bike has been running a little better, but suddenly after accepting trims last time when cruising between 3k and 4k RPM I hit a flat-spot, and the...
I have been fortunate to have had my R3T dynoed by Wayne using Tune Ecu. The difference was night and day afterwards, no more decel popping and nice power. I have been hitting the mountains A LOT this year and am noticing as I get to higher altitudes I am experiencing a bit of decel popping...
Installed Pcv and auto tune. My speedo is off by 10 mph at 60, showing 70! How can I fix this? Also the little twist-knob on the side of my speedo no longer changes the display? Deprecate issue but hoping someone can help.
I have downloaded a map and the afr tables a kind member sent me. I am still experiencing popping around 1700-2500rpms on the decel. I am a idiot when it comes to playing with the tables. The guy from power commander tech support in NV told me to tweak the fuel tables. He told to change the...
It seems that in my area there is n oone with the knowledge to install and program a PCV / autotune in a R3.......sooooo, is there any DIY instructions on this formn that can help me do ot myself??? this lack of dealers with adequate experience seems to be a trouble spot with Triumphs, in this...
I apologize for asking a question that has probably already been asked. I cannot find a map that would be great to upload for my 2011 Roadster w/ PCV, autotune, triple k&n's and jardines. Could anyone please post the link? Any bit of info would be greatly appreciated.
J ;-)
I'm currently running D&D pipes with PCV + A/T,and a single K&N filter. I love the power increase but I'm thinking of going back to stock mufflers to reduce the noise for highway cruising. How much performance will I be loosing going back to stock pipes with the PCV?
I have a Power Commander V sitting in the box waiting for my K&N's from Flipmeister to show up. Once the filters show up, then I am going to have a shop day and install new tires, the PCV, and the airfilters.
So I am looking for a tune for a Rocket III Touring with triple K&N's and TORS.
If I were to install a pcv w/ auto tune , stock pipes and air, would I need to remap, and if so by who ( dealer or some dyno guy)?? would I see an increase in power by just doing that or spend $$$$ and do Jars & air ?? just askin' would like to do 240 pack, but $$$ is tight, you know , retired...
Hi fellow users of the PCV + AT, I have for the last week or so been translating Wayne Tripps AFR table (that he uses in most of his tunes).
If you have compared the table set up between the Tunecu and PCV AFR tables you might have noticed that the increments are different so I have been marking...
Ok, I know this has probably been discussed 100 times before but I'm short on time for an answer so post a link if you can help..
Got an 07 Rocket standard, trip's and jar's. Currently using a TuneECU map #20228.
One of Tripp's maps as suggested to me when I first joined the forum by Dougl...
I know some of you have fitted the PCV with Autotune. How do you find it & is it worth the money for the Autotune feature. Thinking of getting one before this stupid European law comes in to effect.