I have been hearing - yes, through the helmet, over the wind and engine noise - a high pitched whining or hum when I'm banking in either direction at anything over 40MPH. It's pretty nerve wracking when leaning into a turn at 70+ and hearing this noise wondering if the tire is gonna make it...
Excuse me if I am asking something that is known or normal as I am still learning my ride. With the help of this forum and its knowledgeable members I have done much reading and followed suit in taking my bike from stock and am starting to derestrict it. This morning at 5 am I could wait no...
Is this normal? The video doesn't capture the bone rattling metal on metal clanking. It doesn't go away at any speed. In fact, even at 80mph on the highway, I can here it over the wind noise. The bike is a 2016, and still has break-in oil in, with 700 miles.