
  1. Motorcycle Consumer News

    Just received a letter stating that my last issue was my last issue, the company has been dissolved. Cycle mags are dropping like flies. Only one left is CycleWorld. What a shame. Also Autoweek bit the dust. who would of thought.
  2. Some personal news to share

    Well boys, it’s official. I accepted a position with Harley Davidson (MOCO) as an experimental mechanic in the development centers dyno lab. I’m pretty excited, it was a crazy vetting process and I’m ready to begin my last (hopefully) chapter of my professional life. They will never get my...
  3. Good news and bad news....

    The good.... I fixed the bad higher speed vibration in the front end by replacing the disks and pads. The bad.... I hit a bloody roo one hour into our 2000km camping trip. Dead square in the middle. Bent the right hand engine guard, front fender, pushed both headlights back and down but only...
  4. The bad news and the good news

    The bad news, my 05 rocket is gone, a nice gentleman from Louisiana came and picked it up saturday at midnight, i was kinda sad to part ways since it has been part of the family since mid 04:( The good news. I took a plane to Sacramento California and picked up a 2015 Rocket X and rode it back...
  5. Hey Ma look fake news. Or is it?

  6. Interesting Triumph news

    CARB Certifies 2019 Triumph Speed Twin
  7. Memorial Day Parade Lafayette News

    Kate and I rode in the parade today. We made it onto the local news for just a second. Man it was hot. Annual Memorial Day Parade kicks off in Lafayette
  8. Shocking news from Queensland....

    Would probably be wise to keep a safe distance while riding in a group.....:eek::D
  9. Lesson Learnt ?

    Not the type of thing you want to see on the Morning News, I got a phone call the other morning @ around 5:00am from my Step Son, it went something like this... "Mate, please don't freak out, but apparently it's all over FB and the News, Chris (his best mate) and I were out riding last night and...