I am looking at putting a sidecar on the 2023 R3 GL. There is a chance that I will need to change out the triple tree. I came across a company that makes them before we started looking at sidecars. I found one but was looking for something else so I did not bookmark it. I only remember that...
This is a DIY install of the Exedra Max on the new 3R. It requires minor modifications to the forward most rear fender and, if doing it yourself, a tire stand and Mojo Lever - I'd say about a two beer rating for time/difficulty.
The result, in my opinion, is a less expensive tire that provides...
I'd like to install this on my 2022 rocket. Autoswitch Model AS7G
It can be wired into "the high beam wire, or the brake bulb wire or any wire that gets 12Volts when an existing button (for some other use) is activated." My most ideal installation would be the high beam button, triggered...
So we bought a trailer to do motorcycle camping around the country this summer when travel restrictions lift and now I am looking for a hitch. I thought I would like something like the HitchDoc, but apparently that only fits the Roadster. I have a Touring and it seems the saddlebag mounting...
Once you have installed the pannier mounts, is there a 'quick release' way of removing the mounts from the bike or do you have to remove the undertray etc to get them off?
Hey gang,
I have a missing piece on one of my lower mounting assemblies for the quick release windshield on my 2011 R3T.
If someone has an extra assembly they can sell, it would be greatly appreciated. Pics below.
Thank you,
Should I use a rubber gasket or bicycle innertube piece under the clamp. It seems like just bolting those things right on the chrome bars would surely scratch them up or at least I probably would.
Just getting the bike back on the road after a year (leg surgery), haven't been on here in awhile...
Who does it and tell us how. This topic has been touched on in the past, but I'm not sure it's been fully explored. Just in the last week I'm reading about @sonny getting his rim manked (it's happened to me twice this year) at a shop and talk of a rear tire change demo at the Maggie Valley...