
  1. Battery powered heated motorcycle gloves

    I bought a pair of Snow Deer gloves a few weeks ago after a friend showed me his. They retail for about $150, which he paid, but I bought mine on Amazon for $130 on a Black Friday sale. As more become available I thought forum members might be interested in my impression of these gloves...
  2. Craigslist Charging to Post Motorcycle, Cars and Trucks

    My Craigslist post for my 1998 Thunderbird Sport has expired. I went to re-post it an found Craigslist is now charging $5 to post for 30 days. That should kill craigslist soon.
  3. Motorcycle safety fact sheet - NHTSA Aug 2019 w/2017 data

    Bunch of data contained in ten pages: Overview In 2017: • There were 5,172 motorcyclists killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes – a decrease of 3 percent from the 5,337 motorcyclists killed in 2016. • Two-wheeled motorcycles accounted for 91 percent of all motorcycles in fatal crashes. •...
  4. Utah's top 5 motorcycle rides |

    This was in the news yesterday. I have some riding to do!! Utah's top 5 motorcycle rides Original article was in 2017, but still applicable. Harrison Eurosports is the place I sat on my first Rocket III. The only dealer in North Utah (that I know of) that is an authorized Triumph Dealer...
  5. Loose Tube?

    Hey, So Spring is finally coming to a start, and I rode all weekend. By accident I dropped my screw driver and it rolled underneath the bike. When it did, I saw this loose tube, can't seem to figure out the purpose of it. I must have rode with it like that, everything was fine. Any idea what...