I bought a pair of Snow Deer gloves a few weeks ago after a friend showed me his. They retail for about $150, which he paid, but I bought mine on Amazon for $130 on a Black Friday sale.
As more become available I thought forum members might be interested in my impression of these gloves...
My Craigslist post for my 1998 Thunderbird Sport has expired. I went to re-post it an found Craigslist is now charging $5 to post for 30 days. That should kill craigslist soon.
Bunch of data contained in ten pages:
Overview In 2017:
• There were 5,172 motorcyclists killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes – a decrease of 3 percent from the 5,337 motorcyclists killed in 2016.
• Two-wheeled motorcycles accounted for 91 percent of all motorcycles in fatal crashes.
This was in the news yesterday.
I have some riding to do!!
Utah's top 5 motorcycle rides
Original article was in 2017, but still applicable.
Harrison Eurosports is the place I sat on my first Rocket III. The only dealer in North Utah (that I know of) that is an authorized Triumph Dealer...
So Spring is finally coming to a start, and I rode all weekend. By accident I dropped my screw driver and it rolled underneath the bike. When it did, I saw this loose tube, can't seem to figure out the purpose of it. I must have rode with it like that, everything was fine. Any idea what...