1. No back lights

    I have no indicators working on back.iv replaced relay and fuses are all OK.
  2. Bike not running

    I have a 2011 rocket 3 touring ..I disconnected stereo that was wired thru headlight ..put it all together and when key is on .all dash lights are on and horn works. However I have no headlight and when I press the start button .it just clicks.any help would be appreciated .checked all the fuses
  3. Sergio Fernández

    R3 Lights

    Just after saying hello yesterday, I have my first question for the group (for sure I will learn a lot here, will try to help if I can anytime) About fog lights or auxiliar lights, did anyone install them?? I know how to do the legal procedure not to have problems in Spain, but I would like to...
  4. pica

    adding extra lights for visibility... is 90w too much?

    hi guys, one favor. i want to add this 90w lights to the rocket (21 gt)... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B8HNK1C4/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=A28LSN5QPAAAAL&psc=1 adding extra lights for visibility... is 90w too much for the battery? also, do you know what size are the bolts that hold the...
  5. Kempes

    Driving / Fog lights

    Looking for fog lights and bracket to add to my RIIIT. Have a swych already on my left side so I think it’s prewired for the lights.
  6. gaso999

    Mounting fog lights

    Hello. Is this right switch for fog lights and where is the plug for it. Can i put this on that switch. Thanks
  7. MtlSteve

    Best budget friendly LED replacement lights for the R3T?

    Good day group. I have been reading alot about replacement LEDs. The JD speaker is beautiful and the highest rated, but VERY pricey. What options have people used with the best results? Cheers.
  8. elcanaco

    Eagle lights for ‘08 Classic

    Here’s a photo of the issue I’m having. The flange where the case meets the glass on the Eagle is 1/8” thicker (deeper) than a standard OEM light so that when the Eagle is placed in the bucket the beauty (retaining) ring can’t go on far enough rearward so that 1) The factory bolt is too short...
  9. RIchareno

    Ideas for replacement turn signals and license plate holder

    Let's face it....the stock turn signal and license plate holder are FUGLY!! What have you guys done to replace these? My other bike has a side/vertical license plate holder that I really like, so I'm thinking of going that route to get it off the rear. The turn signals baffle me. Any great...
  10. Wisamic Led lights

    Hello Rocketeers, Anybody with experience fitting the Amazon Wisamic LED 5.75 in headlights for the 2015 Roadster? Is it a direct fit or modifications are needed? The finishing ring for example. Thanks
  11. Gleekzorp

    Switching off head lights (or: where is this instrument panel connector)

    Hi all, On my 2016 Roadster I'd like to put a switch in the head lights ground wire, to be able to completely switch them off (instead of pulling the fuse every time using Tuneecu). Studying the wiring diagram, it must be the Black wire on pin 10 of the instrument panel connector. But: where do...
  12. OEM Fog lights

    Hello Fellow rocketeers, Did anybody try upgrading the Roadster OEM fog lights to an LED? Any recommendations on the type of bulb (possibly H3) and what needs to be done? Thanks
  13. OEM Fog lights

    Hello Fellow rocketeers, Did anybody try upgrading the Roadster OEM fog lights to an LED? Any recommendations on the type of bulb (possibly H3) and what needs to be done? Thanks in advance
  14. canecorso

    Triumph Rocket fog lights

    I was just wondering if there is anyone that has the Triumph chrome lights for sale? or ones broken and the other one is good I'll buy. one of mine is broken so either looking for two or the one. I'm heading to Miami Florda December 19th so if there's anyone on the way that's has them for sale...
  15. 1Steve

    Best available touring seat w/backrest, and best value for adaptive headlight pack (all 3 lights)?

    Guys, I'm now a few months into owning my 2015 R3T here in the desert of PHX and would like to get her long haul ready before the good riding weather shows up. SEAT: I would like a backrest and am trying to figure out the best available seat option as the Triumph Long Haul seat seems to no...
  16. Journeyman

    Can You See Me Now - Aux Lights for the 3R

    Lights from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083FJTYRV?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details Fork brackets were custom ordered from ClearWatter (~$30). Headed out on a 7 - 10 day ride through the Shenandoah Valley to D.C. and beyond and looking for a little more "recognition" out there.
  17. RockyTop Ty

    LED lights for 2008 Classic

    Hi everyone, Would like to replace my halogens with LEDs. Local shop guys referred me to an owner's forum, as they had no answers. It's a 2008 Classic, so just unsure how to replace all halogens on the bike with brighter LEDs. Cheers, Trey
  18. Andy Brooke

    Protection for Jw speaker lights

    Does anybody know of a company that provides some type of perspex protection for the Jw speaker 5 3/4" headlights? I had some on my oem lamps but the j w speaker ones have a deeper? curvier glass. I have tried Slipscreens in Wales UK, but for some reason they never reply to my emails
  19. Triumph factor driving lights.

    Is there a relay somewhere to control lights?
  20. MonkeyMan

    Wiring GPS, Lights, and Powerlet Socket

    I posted some more pics of wiring job on 2022 Rocket GT (Did very similar a month ago on 2020 Rocket R) I posted some more pics