
  1. More bling LEDs for the 'Lighties'

    Stay safe, see clearly and have fun with Boslla RGB LED headlights Boslla RGB-worlds-brightest-led-headlight-with-RGB-DRL
  2. LEDs and Brake Flasher Module

    I added a brake lighter flasher module and red LED brake strips to my R3 Tourer this weekend and wanted to share the results. Below are links to the module and LED strips on Amazon. Brake light blinker, four flashes then solid. Safety Flash Light Alert. Universal - $14.99 2 x 4.5 Universal...

    I must do due dilligence to my profession! Therefor, I just dropped the hammer on a pair of the new Adaptive 2 LEDs by JW Speaker. Hopefully they arrive while my Adaptive LEDs are out and before I'm ready to put my motor back together. We shall see . . .
  4. Rear LEDs

    Installed these turn,standing,brake light system today, I like it and pretty easy to install now will have to find the wire for the front brake and install a resistor as it is not (well really too much power) working.
  5. Leds front headlight causing fuse to blow

    Does anyone know how to stop my taillight and number plate light fuse to stop blowing. I put leds in front and shop said its causing it
  6. Mounted Joe Florida LEDs

    Kept getting nagged by my family about my nighttime visibility on my bike. I finally went ahead and had a Joe Florida Kit installed. I worked directly with the Joe Florida team to figure out placement and strip size. Overall I'm fairly happy. In the end the wheels ended up lit up less than i...