We finally had a dry day yesterday so I took that opportunity to take a ride with a friend to Vernonia, OR. I had been there the previous weekend to order a custom T-shirt from the shop. They do great work printing on any color shirt using their graphics or yours. I e-mailed them a photograph I...
Heads up fellows, I ordered a Leather up distributed outlaw 1/2 face helmet with leather on the outside, it looks great but it stated that a 2x was large enough , my wife measured my head we I should have had 1" to spare, anyway I can't get it on and now I will be out $15 just for trying it out...
Some things take time. Some things take a protracted amount of time. Patience is a virtue and when you get old (like I am), sometimes that virtue can wear a bit thin....
I've been waiting over 6 months for my Blackrock Leather Care distributorship and products to be confirmed and arrive. The...
While riding to work at 0530 I caught a glimpse of an odd set of headlights in my rearview of my Rocket. Just as I was thinking "Hey! thats a Roc..." it passed me and the Rocketeer pointed to my R3 and gave me a thumbs up. The first thing I'll mention is that this was only the 2nd Rocket I have...
I need a new race suit for Maxton, and the ECTA demands an all leather suit... no high tech thermo-plastic or Lycra inserts. Anyone have a recommendation in this department?
Does anyone have the traditional style (verses contemporary) style leathelyke's? Would like to see how they look on the R3, if someone could post a pic. Also thinking of getting the gigantass trunk that they make, if anyone has one, or would like to comment. Thanks.
How are these for quality? I've heard that they used to have kind of a weak lock system, but supposedly they are built better these days...anybody have any good or bad opinions on them?
Since my new Classic Tourer will be coming with the leather bags (panniers), are they easily removable? Also found out that it does come with the luggage rack on the back of the sissy bar and pad...that was a nice surprise.
I am shopping for a new leather jacket, something with shoulder armor. I looked at a couple nice ones; Joe Rocket and Triumph Rocket III. The Tourmaster/Cortech Classic looks nice while viewing online.
Does anyone have a favorite in the $200-$300 price range? A favorite vendor?
Be real careful with some waterproofing sprays. As a result of just a modicum of spray on my leather gloves AND heavy rain a couple of days later, my hands have turned reddish and itch like hell:(
No such word of caution on the can. Jamie
I put on a set of Traditional Leatherlykes on my R3C last night, and I am very pleased. They look good, and installation was a snap. It took about 20 minutes, including cleaning up the lube Leatherlyke supplies for the mounting studs. I think they are going to be a nice addition, and it is...