Hi all
There are two sizes of K&N filter conversions. I need the part numbers for the larger set and where are the carbon (or similar) fibre Bear Claws (that fit the large K&N) available from?
There will also need to be a new coolant tank mounted to my Dresser Bar so need that also please...
I need yer help again folks. I ordered and received what I trusted was everything need to eliminate the air box by installed what was called 'the K&N air box delete kit" The kit arrived - it has 3 high flow air filters. 1 crankcase filter. 1 crankcase vent filter. That was it. It looked sparse...
Brand new, I installed a RamAir instead.
3x RU- 2780 + 1x 62-1340
$90.00USD + shipping
Will ship anywhere if you want to pay the cost.
PayPal friends and family or you cover the PayPal charge also.
I have had many years using K&N filters on cars and love 'em. I have also-back in the day- used foam filters on many a dirtbike and know that even today many dirtbikes use foam filters. That being said, I have also seen the foam deteriorate after years of use. I'm sure that the foams being used...
Gent, I'm getting ready to pull the trigger and install 3x K&N RX4040-1. However, as far as I understand, I will need to install two smaller filters 1x crankcase breather and 1x air temp sensor. Could you help me out with the proper model #s for these smaller filters? While I am on the topic...
I'm looking into making a custom air box and need someone that actually knows what their talking about( so that rules me out) if they could advise me on what is the smallest K&N filter with a 3" flange size I could use would something like K&N RX-2820 be any good for example.Thanks
I want to go with the bearclaw off 3 K&N filter look. Don't want the 2780's but want a taller, round tapered filter. Have heard of people using a model that was like 6 inches tall, but having interference. Anyone using or know of a model about 4-5 inches tall, round and tapered?
Ive been running Unifilters for well over 80000klm or more i think. My understanding at the time was that they breathed better than the K&N's. I know little about Ramair. What i do know about Unifilters is they leave an oily mess,even after ive squeezed the excess out heavily. Whats the...
Hi, sorry if this has been covered on here previously.....
Is it worth swapping out the standard ait filter on an 09 classic for the K&N Air filter or is it a waste of time?
Your thoughts, knowledge and experience are appreciated
Firstly my apologies if this has been asked and answered before, I am still trying to find my way around all the posts.
I have already had my air box removed and had the 3 K&N filters installed under my Bear Claw, but have recently been thinking about getting rid of the Bear Claw and doing a...