1. SantaB Rocket

    Stalling Issues on 2025 Rocket 3R

    Does not happen every ride, but was coming down a hill to a stoplight, downshifted from 3-2-1, pulled in clutch, braked to a stop and engine just died. Started right up again. When it has happened, it occurs when you are at low RPMs. Read it could be a MAP sensor. Any latest info?
  2. Issues with 2020 model?

    I pick up my new to me GT this week. I wasn't really looking for a first year model, but this one came up close to home, with low miles (5000) and like new condition. As I OVER think the process, I realize I went from looking at 2023s to a 2020, which is the first year. Rear master has been...
  3. davidalan

    intermittent starting issues

    Hi, I bought a 2010 Rocket last year, quite a few mods. Anyhoo, it has developed an issue whereby it just refuses to start on occasion, just nothing. I have cleaned sidestand switch, checked clutch switch, even cleaned starter switches. Any suggestions? bike runs sweet when it's running, just...
  4. Issues changing to 2nd gear

    Hi, I’m having issues with my 59 (2009) plate rocket, won’t change up into 2nd or will eventually but will then drop out of 2nd gear into neutral, no issues in any other gears, been told it could be a detent spring would I be along the right lines with this? Thanks
  5. RWR1956

    Suspension issues?

    Hi everyone. Am a new R3 owner in the UK, recently picking up a newish GT from a local Triumph dealer. Only completed about 130 miles so far, but something doesn't feel right about the suspension. At all speeds, there seems to be a very slight 'shake' or bounce to the bike (highish frequency)...
  6. Osoblanco

    Starting issues

    After replacing battery, the bike is having an issue of not starting. Lights and gauges cycle, fuel pump cycles. When I press the ignition it’s tries to turn over one time then can’t get it to turn over again. I can start it with a jump box and it’ll stay running. Could it be the starter relay...
  7. JeffR3Colorado

    Starter upgrade issues

    I need a little advice. I have a 2007 R3 Tourer. I upgraded the starter/solenoid to a 1.8kw unit from a 2001 Toyota highlander (new). After shortening the push rod & bolting up the triumph gear box. It all bolted up clean. I bench tested the unit and it almost jumps off the table...
  8. Protonhound

    Battery Maintainer and Battery Disconnect Issues?

    As I am preparing for the arrival of my 2024 3R in April one of the potential problems I have read about in this forum is strange behavior after disconnecting the battery. This is one of the first things I plan on doing to install a Thunder Box and pigtail for my 1.25A Battery Tender that I'm...
  9. 09 Rocket 3 start issues.

    Just bought 09 Rocket 3 Roadster. Seems to run great. Though I haven't rode because of winter. Starts hard first start of day. In heated garage. Battery is charged. Seems to struggle for gas. Possibly acts flooded. Takes a couple cranks to fire then struggles a bit or dies then restart...
  10. DjsRkt

    Gearbox Issues

    Well, I am regretting buying my R3 2016, it only had 8500kms so I thought it couldnt have any issues but how wrong I was. In every gear under load I can feel something like a jutter. I dropped the sump and checked the filters nothing, dropped the oil in the diff and nothing. Spent a thousand...
  11. Canister

    Clutch slippage/4th gear issues

    I bought this bike back in May and have put almost 5000 miles on it and when I changed the oil I put high milage car oil in it about 2k miles ago I've changed the oil with mobile 1 racing 4t multiple times since then and my oil is still turning grey. When the barnett clutch was put in there were...
  12. Vladimir the Sinner

    Idle Issues

    Hello ppl, Been having some idle issues for some time now: the bike starts nice and runs nice till the moment I need to decelerate. Once I start decelerating and get ready to stop the bike, the lower the speed, the lower the idle, like they are connected. Sometimes it drops so low that the bike...
  13. Hi

    thanks for the add to the group, I'm an ex Triumph tech and still like to keep up with all of the latest info and solutions to any & all issues
  14. Mongler07

    2nd gear coming out issue

    Ever since I have had this rocket III it has had the following issue. It can sometimes pop into neutral from 2nd gear only when I'm giving her the beans, if I make sure I pulled back as hard as I should when shifting with my foot it usually did not happen. I suspect that its damage from when it...
  15. Journeyman

    What Your Clutch Fluid looks like at 20K - Also, Issues Restoring Pressure and Fixes

    Here's what your clutch fluid looks like at 20,000 miles.... There was sludge at the bottom. Replacing the fluid is part of the 20,000 mile service. Other information on that can be found here...
  16. Canister

    4th gear issues

    I've been having some issued with my 2011 rocket 3 roadster. It will kick me out of 4th when I am getting on it and banging through the gears, but if I shift and let it sit for 1 or 2 seconds before giving it power, it is perfectly fine. Also there is only an issue going from 3rd to 4th and...
  17. shapa

    Some fundamental issues, Triumph (as a company) need to be fixed. Failing indicators, etc.

    First of all, thanks a lot to the forum. Based on other members' posts and printed (~15 pages), I proved a generic safety issue with the bike. Quite a few reports here about failing LED advanced indicators. "Audi like" (per sales manager). The fix is some hidden bike computer setting commonly...
  18. Cor

    Neutral issues

    Hard to find neutral as well as shift out of it. Have read its a clutch cable issue, any adjustment i could do on the lower part of the clutch cable to fix?
  19. FittedBuckle

    Issues with bike starting

    Hey everyone. A couple months ago I had issues getting my Rocket to start. Someone suggested checking the battery which I did and the battery is fine so I'll try to better describe the problem. When I turn the key to the on position and flip the toggle switch, the fuel pump cycles like normal...
  20. Walking Tall

    Rivco Risers install issues

    What I thought was going to be an easy upgrade has apparently been incredibly difficult. My '18 R3R has been in the shop since I high sided it back in November of last year. I asked them to install the Rivco's for me while the bike was there. Yesterday I got a call from the Service Department...