1. ChrisandTheo

    New Triumph Owner Intro

    Hi Everyone! Thrilled to have just taken delivery of a 2025 R3 and look forward to picking your brains in the coming years. Grateful to be here.
  2. Intro

    Good morning all, picking up my first Rocket this weekend, 2020 3R with GT pegs and bars, comes with a Werkes exhaust! Can these just be bolted on without the need for bike to be re-mapped
  3. Newby (lurker) intro

    Hello all, I recently took a 2020 R3 GT for a test ride and while I came away very impressed with the torque, the ergonomics were less than desirable. The GT bars don't have as much rise and pullback as I need to be comfortable. Unfortunately due to the position and the way it's mounted, the...
  4. Gadget

    Freshmeat Intro

    Howdy from Australia, After a succession of Harleys from a 91 FXR to a 2018 FLTRXS I did a major backflip and bought a 2020 BMW R1250GSA. Then came a '96 R100GSPD and a 73 R90/6 outfit to scratch the itch. toss a DR650 in there as well and that's the current lineup in the shed. I test rode a...
  5. intro

    just an old man loving his 2005 Rocket 3
  6. Adventurer


    Hey there, I am a new 2023 Triumph Rocker 3 GT owner that still don't have my ride. I live in Japan, retiring on June 30, 2023, and my bike is not due to be picked up until the first week in July. The best part is it is paid off, so no payments. My plan is to tour all of the castles in Japan...
  7. DaveAK


    Picked up my Rocket 3 TFC this weekend and thought I'd better sign up here! Just waiting for the weather to get a little warmer so I can put some more miles on it. I'd be lying though if I said I haven't opened it up a bit yet. :D
  8. Intro

    Newbie - Owner of multiple road bikes including 2020 Rocket 3R and 2016 Thruxton R.
  9. New member intro

    I'm not a rocket 3 owner but I've seen them on the track. They go like a rocket.
  10. Intro - Hello to all R3 Owners

    Presently the owner of a 2010 R3 Roadster, Years back I rode the first R3 in Manchester (UK) when I ran the local RAT group/club. At that time I was with a Speed Triple 955i. I was blown away by the torque and the then reasonable handling of the R3. The 2010 Roadster seems to have righted the...
  11. JR402

    New here from California

    Hi everybody, from the central valley of California. Just picked up my black 2020 R3R last Saturday with 6 miles on it. Spent the last week working out I. The SF Bay Area on active duty orders, so I’m already needing my initial service on it. Thought I would be more in favor of the swept back...
  12. Intro

    Long time motorcycle rider grabbing a new R3 next week. Looking forward to a new experience. Almost purchased a new Harley Low Rider S but decided to try this as my cruiser instead.
  13. Intro

    Newbie from Virginia Hello everyone!
  14. Bayrestowe

    Just my intro

    Live on PEI, Canada, having issues with popping out of gear.. figure its the detent spring on my 2008 R3T :)

    Hi I'm Steve Hedge. I've been quite obsessed by the New Rocket 3's so decided to sell my Yamaha XJR1300 & now have a Rocket3 GT Model on order. I was sad to see the XJR go - she was good to me but I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas atm. I look forward to chatting & meeting with you...