
  1. Indian(R) Motorcycle Company Announces New Home

    KINGS MOUNTAIN, N.C., Jul. 20, 2006 (Business Wire) -- Indian(R) Motorcycle Company is pleased to announce that it will be revving up its engine in a new home. After carefully reviewing location options throughout the United States, Indian(R) has selected a factory in Kings Mountain, North...
  2. World's Fastest Indian...

    Thanks to the Pigman I was able to watch his Netflix version of "The World's Fastest Indian". This somewhat quirky flick is about the trials and tribulations of Burt Munro. It has some nifty motorcycle footage but it really is more of a feel good movie about Burt's ability to overcome many...
  3. World's Fastest Indian DVD

    I saw this on a Hot Rod forum... "The Worlds Fastest Indian" is set for release on DVD on June 13th from Magnolia Home Entertainment. I'll bet this movie will sound good on the ole surround sound:D