any body tried the new ROOF DESMO helmet . cannot find it in canada and I 'd rather hear from a member about the fit before taking a chance on paying good money and finding it is not as I expected..
OK - first things first ..... it's not what it sounds like. :D But here is the link for this fine product. Biker Creations: Motorcycle Accessories and Innovations I got mine from J&P Cycles - Helmet Hooker | 363-123 | J&P Cycles The bottom line is it works as advertised on my R3T. I had been...
Ok after my recent wreck my wife wants me to buy a better helmet i had a Scorpion exo1000 full face. It held up well except the face shield fell off after it was all over. I'm not sure, I liked my exo1000 and its reasonably priced 150-300 depending where you buy it. Is an Arai worth it, I dont...
My HJC is getting old and if it's true what they say about helmets losing their ability to properly protect after five years i'm way over due. I tried on a few the other day i liked the ARAI but i can't see spending that kind of change on a helmet. Anyone out there happy with the one they have...
I am looking for a new Helmet. I now have a Suomy spec-1r extreme, but really would like a open face helmet. Problem is I really enjot the full face in some cases.
I saw the Shark evoline series. Seems to be a practical answer.....BUT no one around here sells them, so it will have to be a...
Seen this the other day and thought the concept is pretty cool. Don't know if it would be for me, but I'm sure there are others that would think it would be the cats meow.
Reevu MSX1 Rear View Mirror Motorcycle Helmet - YouTube
Big T
Got my helmet on for the first time since my operation 22 days ago! Couldn't get it on due to pain, swelling, numbness in shoulder, ear, part of neck...etc. etc. :(
But today I got it on! rode around the block and no big issues! woo hoo ! ...
Felt like a novice on the bike??? a bit...
I'm looking for a good full face helmet to install a chatterbox in. It needs to have space at the ears for speakers.
So, for those of you who wear a full face helmet, what do you have and what is your opinion on it?
I hope this isn't a stupid question.
Some of ya'll probably remember I've been advised recently to ditch my 25 yr old girlfriend, er, half helmet, and get something more modern. I'd been thinking of getting a full face anyway, as I'm not as fearless as I once was, and would hate to wake up...
I have lived here in Utah now for about 6 mounths and I still can't get over there is no helmet law.
And I have notice that 9 out of 10 riders do not have a helmet and notice that there on a Harley, and other bikes I would say 2 out of 10 has no helmet.
Does Harley motorcycles offer more...
I recently purchased a "Bolt-lock" helmet lock from Fast Eddy. He suggested I mount it on my rear shock bolt. Has anyone done this? Any other suggestions if I already have bags mounted? Can I just unscrew the top bolt holding the rear shock in place or is there any trick?
FYI, I read one...
I've never experienced this or even heard of this but I have an interesting problem with my R3. I'm riding a standard with Jardine's, not obnoxiously loud, my old Kawi was way louder than this and I didn't have a problem, but the sound inside my full helmet seems to resonate and is uncomfortably...