
  1. Helmet Locks

    I just bought the wife an myself new helmets. We just left our piss buckets laying around but will probably need to lock these up. Can anyone recommend a good helmet lock ?
  2. Aussie helmet laws

    I came across this and thought it might be useful. 10 things you need to know about helmet laws - Motorbike Writer
  3. Review of shoei rf 1200 helmet

    Hey everyone, Normally I don't bother talking too much about riding gear because there is so much of it out there and lots of reviews except I thought I would share my experiences with the shoei rf1200 helmet. I just bought it about a month ago and liked the fit, the noise cancellation, and the...
  4. Interesting New Helmet Design

    Thought I would share this. Looks pretty cool pero mucho dinero!...$888.00. That pretty much keeps me in the old design! Home | Vozz Helmets
  5. For Sale Schuberth C3 Pro XXL, matte black.

    Schuberth C3pro matte black XXL with a Sena 10u audio system professionally installed. Finger slide drop down visor and face shield. Used only about 10 times on short rides. The Sena unit has a handlebar unit/remote control. Micro USB charging. Quick use instructions and Schuberth helmet...
  6. Crazy Helmet

    Does anyone know if this is a good idea to get on the initial buy for these. They are expensive but I like the safety features as well. Home - Intelligent Cranium Helmets Should I drop $300 now? Thoughts?
  7. Shoei neotec helmet

    So I just plunked down some hard earned cash on a shoei neotec modular helmet! I must say its a huge upgrade from my last HJC modular! Here's my review from the last two weeks of use at speeds up to 95mph. 1: a bit lighter than my HJC. 2: fit is a bit more snug than the same size HJC...
  8. NEXX XR2 helmet

    I've had this helmet about six months now, and I've just about had it with the piece of crap! It's a nice looking helmet, comfortable and light weight. But these stupid plastic clips that hold in the liner suck!!!!! The bottom part around my chin is always coming unhooked, and now the headliner...
  9. Helmet lock

    Hi where are you all locking up your helmet on the r3r
  10. Seeking Helmet advice!!!!

    Ok guys, I am in need of real world experience with 3/4 helmets and figured you all would have knowledge to share. First, I have a way to big nugget,25", round in shape and have the cheeks of a squirrel, AKA Fat cheeks. All combined make for difficult, if not impossible to fit a helmet for...
  11. Opinions on the AGV GT Veloce helmet

    i'm looking for a new helmet, something light and comfortable. The AGV GT Veloce seems to be my pick right now based off of the online reviews and such. Does anybody used one, and if so, what do you think about it?
  12. New Helmet on the near horizion

    My last helmet was a Adv style helmet that saw much use while I owned a BMW Adventure. The visor on the helmet works not so well with a rocket that has fly screen. I will not change my set up...I love the look too much... Thinking of going retro old school an open face style...what lids are...
  13. Helmet to helmet

    I have been looking at Bluetooth headsets for helmet to helmet, GPS etc. I've looked at Sena and Interphone F4. Any recommendations?
  14. Arai Signet Q helmet

    After 8 years with my Icon full face helmet, and after being offered $200.00 off the Arai helmet by my dealer, I bit the bullet and purchased the Arai last weekend. Here are my thoughts. Why does Arai place that stupid Sticker right in the middle of a beautiful helmet? Nice helmet, light...
  15. Helmet Lock Location R3R

    Does anyone know if the R3R has a factory helmet lock device? Trying to come up with gift ideas.
  16. Visor and Helmet Cleaner

    Just started using this, although of course it's been out for ages. Very fast and effective (whatever it is). :cheers: Big Bike Mad: Motorcycle Reviews, Guides and Gear What do you guys use? Dave PS works well on the Triumph OEM screen.
  17. Skully Helmets

    Have you seen the new Skully AR-1 Helmet? It has Heads up display (HUD), rearview camera & GPS navigation built right into the helmet. Battery life is a claimed 9 hours. It is on pre-order now but $1400 US!!! http://www.skullysystems.com/#home
  18. Nexx 1R1 helmet is loud!!

    Just got a new nexx 1R1, and i can't believe how much wind noise it creates! My $79 agv helmet is way quieter! I can't even hear my engine above like 35mph. I'm pissed, that thing wasn't cheap!!
  19. How much to spend on a helmet.

    What kind of helmet is everyone wearing on the street. Looking around on the net, seems to be a wide variety of brands and price. Not wanting to spend a lot I thought maybe this/Gmax GM54 Helmets - Modular Street Motorcycle Helmets. What's the diff between this and all the other? any reason I...
  20. Helmet mounted brake lights

    I just saw this article and was curious if any of you have any experience with it. http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2014/07/15/helmet-mounted-brake-light-makes-motorcycle-riders-more-visible/?intcmp=features