
  1. Hollow Man

    LED headlight options?

    What LED headlight options are available besides Eagle brand? Post what you went with and a pic if you can. Thanks 👍
  2. Taz

    Best headlight upgrade?

    I've looked through many threads but haven't seen any headlight upgrades. I ride a lot at night since the daytime summer heat where I normally ride is almost unbearable. Has anyone done something to upgrade the stock headlights? Anyone swap out the stock lights with something like the...
  3. MtlSteve

    Headlight lower bulb???

    Does anyone know what the small bulb is in the lower part of the headlight housing. It is described as a "position bulb" in the owners manual. Just wondering if you replace the housing with a LED if you can unplug that bulb and leave the plug empty?
  4. LouisianaG3R

    Headlight rings, Bar ends, Key fob, NIT PICKS

    I have posted a few pics of my rocket and the few things I have done to it. I would like to ask anyone that might have knowledge on a few of my nit picks on this motorcycle that I LOVE. That being said I haven’t had much luck at Triumph dealerships near me and their knowledge of my bike. 1...
  5. LouisianaG3R

    Carbon fiber headlight bowls

    I was going to just hop on here and ask if anyone has experience with swapping out the stock headlight bowls and properly getting the headlight rings set flush with bowls? I will upload more pics when I’m off work. I have more pictures at home to illustrate my problems
  6. SonOfJorEl

    TIFU: Swapping out stock headlight for LED headlight

    Hi all, seems I did a bit of a faux pas and need some assistance I tried to swap out the halogen headlight unit with an LED unit. I connected the green H4 plug to the bikes black H4 socket and tried to test the lamp. Worked great. Nice and bright light too! Then (i assumed the little bulb with...
  7. 1Steve

    Best available touring seat w/backrest, and best value for adaptive headlight pack (all 3 lights)?

    Guys, I'm now a few months into owning my 2015 R3T here in the desert of PHX and would like to get her long haul ready before the good riding weather shows up. SEAT: I would like a backrest and am trying to figure out the best available seat option as the Triumph Long Haul seat seems to no...
  8. PVaitkunas

    Strobing headlight issue

    Has anyone noticed their headlight acting up? It became apparent this season, but I wasn’t quite sure while riding bumpy roads. It’s rare that I go out at night so it likely started some time agohttps://share.icloud.com/photos/0e1SAX3_quu4xGNDoVEamWA0w#Pomfret
  9. SleepyOwl

    Headlight bezel replacement

    Im in the middle of a project on the GT and was trying to remove the headlight bezel for a paint job. I got the unit loose but couldnt for the life of me seperate the bezel from the glass. Something (one area) was holding it on. So I gave up but now cant get the light back onto the housing. Has...
  10. RIchareno

    Yet another headlight mystery...

    So this seems to be a common problem with these bikes. I've had my 2009 Classic for one week and the lights have never worked. I assumed it would be something simple so I didn't worry about it, but after ruling out the fuse, starter relay and bulbs I'm left with only the switch and the wiring...
  11. markur

    I'm new to this Community. Hello

    I've been riding motorcycles since 1986 when I started riding my Kawasaki 454 LTD in the UK. I've been in the US for 32 years and have been riding my Triumph Rocket 3 since I purchased new in 2005. I have 44,000 miles on it and I'm currently searching for some replacement OEM parts for a cracked...
  12. Jack

    Want to Buy Rocket 3 Touring single headlight.

    A single headlight from a R3 Touring. I will swap my pair of headlights for a single Touring headlight if anyone is interested.
  13. jeroenelectrum

    Fender extender and headlight grills

    I make grills and fender extenders. The extender prevents water/dirt hitting your body Made from greentec carbon. In black
  14. Mighty Mouse

    Another Headlight question

    I had just finished a ride yesterday when I noticed my left front headlight was out. I went though the check lists of checking the battery cable loosening and re tightening both neg and pos. I checked the fuse and then took off the headlight assembly and checked both low/high and running light...
  15. Wildy

    Headlight faulty

    Noticed that one of my high beams is permanently on. Dealer have booked it in. Anyone else with this problem
  16. Prestaged

    LED Headlight: Stupid Question

    I bought a 7" LED headlight for the 2008 R3T. It will plug right in and seems to work fine. But it came with what looks like an adapter or relay that has LED/CANBUS stamped on it. Do I need to use this as well?
  17. brsmits

    Chrome headlight adapter?

    I've dug through the search function. I've googled every key phrase that I can think of. I know I saw it on this forum. Can someone throw me a bone?!!?! Someone on here linked to a website where they sold black/chrome adapters that would allow you to fit one light size into a housing of a...
  18. leatal

    Want to Buy Headlight finishing ring

    Does anyone have two Triumph headlight finishing rings for Roadster, part T2700559? Apparently Triumph no longer makes or stocks them. Bummer!
  19. R3 Classic headlight bracket

    Hi all. Discovered a fair bit of rust on the headlight bracket with paint peeling off. Is there an easy way to remove this bracket for a clean-up and repainted? The grommets and stays are inserted in the top and bottom of the fork spacers. Can't see any other way than disassembling the whole...
  20. sonny

    Headlight problem is back.

    I am going to explain this in great detail and hopefully somebody will have a solution. turning the key to the on position the headlights will flash and then go out completely. This is prior to hitting the start button. Bike will start fine but have no headlights. Today i replaced the rely...