1. A1A Rider

    How would you rate the gearbox on 2.5L Rocket?

    Because of the special and unique engine, it seems all reviews of Rocket 2.5L are centered and gravitated to solely discussing the engine's capabilities and performance. People rarely talk about the gearbox. May I ask what is your personal experience and how do you think it stand in comparison...
  2. Gearbox

    Hi, is it a massive job to take the gearbox off, i have seen from other threads that it is a "thing" for the gearbox to fail, (jumping out of second gear) is there improved parts from triumph as this is a reconised fault. Kind Regards Paul Dunne
  3. Chariot

    Jumping out of 4th gear - Gearbox rebuild

    Many thanks to the guy who pointed me at Carl Inkley at Just Rockets , what a star. My 2017 Rocket3 trike started jumping out of 4th gear. Managed to get the summer out of it but by autumn was looking to get the gearbox overhauled. In October I sent the trike down to Paul at Paul Lumley...
  4. Mike Rocket

    Gearbox problems

    I have just read that 2014 Roadsters suffer from the dreaded circlip problems in the gearbox. I thought these problems were sorted out by the 2010 model years. I purchased a 2014 model on that understanding 5 years ago and have no trouble at the moment. Can anybody say if this is true?
  5. DjsRkt

    Gearbox Issues

    Well, I am regretting buying my R3 2016, it only had 8500kms so I thought it couldnt have any issues but how wrong I was. In every gear under load I can feel something like a jutter. I dropped the sump and checked the filters nothing, dropped the oil in the diff and nothing. Spent a thousand...
  6. Hooleymyster

    Gearbox parts

    I’ve got to the gearbox and found the damaged gears. This is a low mileage 2014 roadster. Has anyone ordered the parts before ? Where’s the best place and do Triumph do a kit or stronger gears. It may even be the forks didn’t fully engage the gear due to bending possibly ,not into the depths of...
  7. Hooleymyster

    Gearbox strip down

    I about to remove the engine. - all done bar the dropping out on medium hydraulic lift. Is there any guides/ manuals for order? I have downloaded the manual but it seem to omit separating the engine and gearbox. Many thanks
  8. Mittzy

    Gearbox - exit stage left - need Robinson info

    A couple of months ago on a left turn about 300klms from home I heard a big bang that stood the bike up - crapped myself. Turns out the cut lip had come a drift. I have it all apart and have the Robinson billet gear and have it all at the shop being back cut. I really would like to upgrade the...
  9. DafyddIeaun

    Rocket 111 GearBox

    Hi all Apologies in advance for starting a new thread I have a Rocket 111 Classic 2005 My gear change stopped working 18months ago riding back from Ireland to Wales, stuck in 5th from the Ferry terminal to home It's not the detention spring as it's still in place, thinking it's the bolt from...
  10. Moff2300


    Hi, new to this site and hoping to find some guidance. I own a 2013 rocket 3 roadster. My dad bought it new and I have since bought it from him 2 years ago. The bike has been flawless, never had a issue. Its just hit 21K When shifting from 4th to 5th it would sometimes miss. It felt like it...
  11. Tim Forrest

    Gearbox problems,,4 th gearin particular

    Hi,,my rocket,which has never missed a beat,,has just devloped a gearbox problem,,it goes 1 2 3 then. 4 th gear,,it refuses to go in,,accompanied by noises,,i,m told by a local triumph mech,,that this is a. recurring ptoblem on rockets?? ve never seen anything on ht e forums,,he then tells me,to...
  12. Vorteks

    2012 Roadster - possible gearbox issue?

    Im about to buy a roadster from a local triumph dealer in UK. Ive tested it twice and once on each ride, it failed to find the gear and found false neutral between 2nd and 3rd i think. Is this a warning that I could be in for an expensive job later down the line? Should I walk away or ask that...
  13. M.J

    Gearbox Problem

    My friend who was a Triumph tech wizard at Hinkley before he left to start up on his own,he now sells and deals with all Triumph bikes.Well he has just informed me that the gearbox on the new rockets are having problems,i have not had any probs with mine as yet,but saying that,the clutch tension...
  14. Mike Rocket

    When splitting engine cases for access to gearbox if there is a gasket between the jointing surfaces or is it only a sealant that is used?

    When splitting engine cases for access to gearbox can somebody tell me if there is a gasket between the jointing surfaces or is it only a sealant that is used? Thanks.
  15. Stuey

    06 gearbox problem

    Its jumping out of gear then back in just in second gear. How much to fix? Whats it worth to sell as is 06 12000 ks 160hp 170nm at wheel new rear tyre
  16. David Towe

    Gearbox issue

    On the ride last weekend I encountered my first ever mechanical issue whilst on a ride. The gear lever feels different and it's harder than usual to select gears and it now jumps out of gears when there is no load on the motor. Does anyone have any ideas what it is and how to fix it? 2008 R3C...
  17. Beastie

    Jumping second to Neutral at max rpm

    Hi guys R3r 2012 owned since 2017, with TORS and a remap. I've trolled all over for various clues, but most concerns are false neutrals or dropping out of random gears. My issue is when I crank her open at 6.5k rpm in second it jumps into Neutral. No other gear, no false neutrals, and it only...
  18. 2007 Rocket Help T/S!

    Hello all! Today I found myself the new owner of a gorgeous Rocket III... With a catch of course. Money was tight but I've been eyeing this bike for some time. I found one on CL near me with 20k miles on all original parts but last owner reports trans failure. Somewhere between 4th and 5th he...
  19. Kievit

    Gearbox blokking problem

    Guys, My friend and also rocket owner Jan was recently confronted with a shifting/gearboxproblem. While driving the bike the gearbox suddenly refused to shift into second gear. At first Jan succeeded in shifting back into neutral but after shifting to 1 again it seems to be impossible to get it...
  20. Bone crusher

    Gearbox lubrication

    Whats the story for the roadster. I can't find anything on fluid replacement for the gearbox. Is the gearbox lubricated with the engine oil? I can't find anything in the manual either. Probably a bumb question. Thanks