Replaced the sender unit about a month ago. No problems. Just added new hand grips and levers. In the process raised tank to adjust throttle cables. Filled the gas tank yesterday and bars on fuel gauge never moved. Now nothing is showing on the bar but low gas light is not on. (about half a...
So, went on a 125-150 mile ride today on my new to me 2006 Rocket Classic. Topped off the tank right up to the brim before heading out with friends to Campo, California. Gauge on bars showed full tank. Approximately 120-130 miles later on my way home I was startled to see the gauge about one...
I'm wanting to get an air fuel gauge for my R3T. I would like to get one that is good quality but I don't want to spend hundreds on it. Also I would like recomendations on a good sensor to go with it. Thanks as always. NORM
Battery went flat, so recharged all ok. Fuel gauge was working fine until I fired up after recharging and now just reads zero. Tank at 75% full btw. Any ideas folks? Cheers Tim
Having previously owned a Rocket Classic I'm no neophyte to the oddities of the Rocket fuel gauges but I just discovered a goofy characteristic on my 2009 Touring.
Just because of the miserable cold and rainy weather here in the Pacific Northwest, I've not been able to get out on the freeway...
I had a look through the Forums but could not find an answer to this problem.
I installed new T-bars but needed to move the Speedo and Tacho forward slightly. I removed the instruments and drilled the mounting hole a bit further up to allow the handlebars to lean over further. I carefully...
I have the fuel gauge on my rocket and filled it to the top... the gauge read full.... 95 miles of steady riding the gauge was in the red... I thought bloody hell this thing drinks more than I do, so headed off to the gas station. I brimmed the tank again but it only took 12.71 litres...
Has anyone here installed a oil pressure gauge on their R3T? If so, what was involved in the installation? Where did you mount it? A picture would be great.
The reason I ask is my 2015 R3T oil pressure light is coming on AGAIN. It goes on and off. (Yes, I know how serious OP is. I've...
Got my oil temp gauge in the mail yesterday. It replaces the oil cap. Pretty nice piece. Good quality. If anyone is interested I got it from
I am trying to restore a Rocket I inherited from my x-father in law.
He had put an ugly Corbin adjustable clam shell looking wind screen on it and it required custom mounts.
So I have been searching the net to try and find out what stock handlebar mount and gauge mounts look like so I can...
Hi All,
Recently, the tiny bulb in my Fuel Gauge burnt out, and I opened it up to see which bulb I needed to replace it. Turns out, its a GE 74 (or size 74) wedge base bulb. After a little thought and search on the internet, I found that the LED bulb base is called a T5. I can get 10 of them...