front end

  1. Best94

    Wheel alignment - pulling hard to the left

    My 2024 Rocket 3 Storm Gt pulls hard to the left and after a ton of research, i found that's how the motorcycle was supposed to be made with the front wheel not being in the centre of the forks. This is to counter the balance of the shaft and the triple motors. I understand the offset but many...
  2. My first Triumph Need Help Front End Crash!!

    Hi to everyone from Panama!! I just bought my first Triumph bike and of course it had to be the Rocket 3. It is a 2022 GT model. I bought it with front end damage and I need to buy some parts. Is anyone here familiar with the company King Wheels from the UK? I need a front wheel and I saw...
  3. Zutt

    Click sound upon turning the front end to the right

    So I just received the bike, looks awesome except for some scratches. Still no keys as they were mailed separately with title and paperwork, and I think the package may be lost. I was repositioning the bike in the garage and noticed that when the the front wheel is turned fully to the left, as...
  4. Wadejesu

    Front End Mod (2.5L)

    Never was a fan of bar end mirrors. Swapped turn signals as well, Now for the rear.
  5. Buzzo

    Bad vibration in the front end.

    Hi. I took my 2011 roadster in for new tyres. I was going for the Avon Chromes after liking the last set of cobras. The owner of the store didn’t recommend the Cobras but said he sells a lot of Bridgestone Exceda Max rears and Matching front. So that’s what I bought. I rode up the hwy the...
  6. Ishrub


    Front end fixing kit is required to fit windshield to Roadster and Classic. Just US$27 TRIUMPH ACCESSORIES FRONT END FIXING KIT Front End Fixing Kit from Triumph Accessories
  7. Big 'Ol Triple

    Front end fixing kit

    Well, Christmas is right around the corner and presents are starting to fly in! Presents for me of course Just received my front end fixing kit with brackets and hardware! I should be receiving my flyscreen shortly. David Gill is the man My question is, what's the easiest way to install the...
  8. atlsrt44

    Lifted the front end of ground this morning.

    Heading to work this morning and twisted the throttle in 2nd gear and lifted off. Sure it was only a little bit but I was giggling like a schoolgirl when I got to work
  9. Simonb

    Soft front end

    Does anyone have any experience of adjusting the air gap on roadster forks to firm them up a bit. Even though I’m 22 stone the forks still feel very soft and go through their travel very easily. Static sag seems to be hell of a lot as well. I’m thinking of sticking another 10ml of 10wt oil in...
  10. Painting Front End

    Taking the front end off to replace the head bearings and fit progressive springs, while its apart I'd like to carry on blacking parts. If I paint the front legs will they have enough clearance to go back through the yokes (Triple trees to my American readers)! without destroying the...
  11. Chip

    Wide front end

    A friend of mine rides a Triumph 3 Roadster. He usually has a cycle in his shop making improvements or modifying it. He sent me a picture of a cruiser, looks like a R3. What does look like, and has anyone seen this done? The wide front end and the odd air inlet. Just looks different from...
  12. Tbone

    Front End Shake

    I have been experiencing a shake while front braking between 55-75 mph. The shake disappears when speeds are lower or higher than this. Also experience front end wobble when I remove hands from bar at 40-50 mph. Wobble disappears below and above these speeds. I took to dealer and had them ride...
  13. Big Gun

    Front Shocks

    There’s been a lot of space talking about rear shock replacement, I chose Hagon Nitro’s and I'm very happy I did! What I now have experienced is the front shocks seem to be the weak link in enhanced ride and handling. Not seen too much about front shock replacement. What are you, that have...
  14. Old N' Grumpy

    Front End Fixing Kit Help

    Getting ready to install my flyscreen and when I looked at the instructions it said I needed a front end fixing kit which I looked up and it said its used for foglights and flyscreens. My flyscreen came with mounting hardware however it looks nothing like whats in the flyscreen box. I could...
  15. Martin-Brighton-uk

    Anyone selling a spare Front End Fixing Kit A9738051 ?

    Hi Captains! I don't 'spose anyone has a Front End Fixing Kit A9738051 they want to sell in UK?
  16. sonny

    Front end work.

    Got the forks in right, Now the tubes are even with the top of the upper yoke. Factory setting was 1000 thousands off on one side and about 1250 thousands off on the other side. Went ahead with adjusting the steering bearings again just for ****s and giggles. Glad I did. Wobble disappeared...
  17. vocaldog

    New Front End Fixins'

    Thank you to David Gill and eBay.
  18. Front End Dresser Bars

    Anyone add dresser bars and highway pegs to the R3R?
  19. R3inCC

    Steering stabilizer

    Does anyone have suggestions on steering stabilizers for my '05 R3, I'd like for the front end to be a little more stable at 125+ mph....