foot pegs

  1. Traction Control Problem After Lowering Footpegs

    I had my Triumph dealer lower the footpegs on my 2022 R3R. On my way home from the dealer, the traction control, check engine, and anti-lock brake lights came on. I turned around and went back to the dealer. They took a look at the bike and did not see anything amiss. After resetting the...
  2. Rear brake bleeding

    Hello, I am doing a mid-peg modification, basically fitting the 3R pegs on to a 3GT bike. It all seems pretty straightforward, however I need to break into the rear brake line, which means I will no doubt introduce air into my rear brakes. I noticed that the rear brake line proceeds from the...
  3. Passenger Footpegs Change complication

    I'm completely frustrated That I can't seem to figure this out. I've been trying to extend the passenger footpegs, I did my research and got the correct extender and spline adapters. And now I realize that Triumphs passenger footpegs in one complete piece, or at least that the way it looks...
  4. Passenger foot pegs question

    I’m after a pair of stock pegs are they all the same? Classic and roadster (not the touring) I have a 16’ roadster I need stock pegs to fit with hard luggage I’ve bought for long distance touring the foot plates no longer fit! Are they common throw out the triumph range or can someone recommend...
  5. **SOLD** Triumph adjustable peg mounts + Triumph foot pegs (Maggie Valley ?)

    Triumph adjustable peg mounts + Triumph foot pegs in excellent condition, except the clamps are starting to flake a little near the bolt hole, but the rest is 9 out of 10. I'll be in Maggie Valley Friday and Saturday. If anyone is interested in them let me know and I'll bring them along. $120...
  6. **OBE** 2014 R3R Foot Controls and related items

    I changed out my forward foot controls on my 2014 Roadster for R3T floorboards. As such, I have a whack of parts from my 2014 Roadster. 2014 R3R Mounts & Pegs by technoguppy posted May 7, 2018 at 5:33 PM 2014 R3R Rear Brake Control & Master Cylinder by technoguppy posted May 7, 2018 at 5:33...