I have a complete set of foot controls with pegs on the black rails with the brake pedal / gear shifter / master cylinder off of a 2011 Roadster that I would like to trade for a complete set of foot controls off a Classic with the floor boards and chrome rails with the brake pedal / gear shifter...
Just curious if anyone knows where I can get replacement rubber for my stock Triumph front floorboards?
Really like them and would prefer to not have to replace them.
Thanks in advance,
I am thinking of replacing the pegs on my 2006 with a set of floor boards. Does anyone know the difference in these 2 kits? The A9758085 is for the Standard and the A9758081 is for the Classic. But to my mind if you are replacing the bars and the shifters / brake pedals, either kit "should"...
Howdy: About a year ago I asked if anyone had ideas on lowering the passenger floorboards on the touring model. (wife is all legs!) Peg lowering kits would not fit Tourer. Also wife found long haul passenger seat and Triumph backrest both very uncomfortable. Jeez, keep bike or wife..?
Took seat...
I need more legroom (already have highway pegs) and wonder if there is an easy way to lower the floorboards an inch or a set of replacement floorboards that will give me more room. Thanks.
My 2005 R3 came with Triumph floorboards when I bought it last month. It has the toe/heel gear lever as well. I want to utilize the full range of motion of the floorboards including hanging my heels off the back which is close to the R3R mid set position.
Of course this is no problem on the...
Has anyone changed their passenger floorboards for one reason or another? What type were they and what did you need as far as factory hardware? I don't have them on my bike but would like to make it a two up ride once again. Any info would be much appreciated.
Has anyone converted a R3 Classic from floorboards to pegs? What all is involved? Do the shift and brake lever assemblies need to be replaced as they look like they would be too high? Tried searching but haven't found anyone that has done it yet.
Before the site crashed there was a post about rivco engine bars or something and it trailed off into talking about how jeans keep getting caught on the footpegs. I totally know what that feels like. Does anyone know if they make floorboards and the necessary hardware for the roadster? Triumph...
I am finding that the floorboards on the R3Touring are wider than what I am used to.
When I roll up to a stop to put my foot down I need to swing my leg back and then out to clear the floorboard.
As a result of this, I am getting a sore back and a sore hip.
I,m tall at 6'2 and have plenty of leg...
bought them from Lee marcoe for my R3 but cannot mount them due to jardine clarancenew kuriyakhyn metric floorboards (2) with mounting pegs and springs $100.00 pls shipping see link below for pictures
Just swapped out my floorboards for footpegs and what a difference its made.
Only had the bike a month or so but never felt totally at ease cornering with the floorboards. Dont know whether it was foot or leg position but always felt a little hesitant cornering. Especially at roundabouts...
The previous owner and the local dealer both told me you cant fit the floorboards to the Roadster.
I think they said its something to do with the ABS or the brake master cyl.:confused:
I examined a couple of new and used models at the dealer and it looks like it is possible.
Whats the verdict...
Been debating with myself (a one sided debate) whether to change from pegs to floorboards on my 08 standard, I recently went for a ride on an R3T and found the floorboards more comfortable than what I thought they would be.
What do you guys think of the floorboards versus the pegs, replies...
Greetings Troops:
was wondering if anyone knew of any aftermarket pasenger floorboards for other makes that could be adapted to the R3 without much or possibly any modifications to install?
While I would love to keep my "Beast" all Triumph, I cant stomach their prices for accessories...
I see several photos herein where the floorboards have a significant cant compared to my Classic Tourer floorboards. I've given it a bit of study but I see no means to make any adjustment. Have I missed it:confused: I think an additional 10 degrees higher on the forward edge would be...