1. bikertriker2008veedubb

    Drive output bearing failure

    Hi guys and gals anyone add bearing failure on rocket roaster drive output bearings before. I had no sign anything out of the ordinary no noise, no lack of power. just started when I went to do a oil and filter change and found this at bottom of sump
  2. Old N' Grumpy

    Master Cylinder Failure

    One day when I hit the brakes on my 2014 nothing happened except the lever and foot brake went to the floor. Good thing I was just moving it and not riding!!! Had someone look at it and they determined that I need a master cylinder. So my question is should I spend the money on a complete unit...
  3. Grmblz

    Catastrophic brake failure

    Hey folks, can anyone shed some light on this? It's part of a conversation I'm having with a member and it occurs to me that the broader community might have some insights into just exactly what happened. I have been accused of riding my bike like a sports rather than a tourer, old habits die...
  4. sawnoff stu

    Injector failure

    have had nothing but trouble with this beast. bought second hand an rode before buying. left outside for couple of very wet days then the mrs an myself got all togged up for a good ride out... reversed on to the road. started engine, pulled away then it died and wouldnt start. checked electrics...
  5. Cefe

    Possibly TPS failure?

    hello friends. I have a 2009 Rocket III with 45,000 km, which has a fault at 1600 to 2900 RPM I checked the TPS voltage and it is at 0.6v using a Texa scanner, I check % closing and opening and it goes from 0% closed to 100% with full throttle. I have balanced throttle bodies. coils without...
  6. Mongler07

    CAT exhaust failure?

    So this started with a rattle at just cold idle, once warm its gone, then it developed into a rattle that is all the time until warm then you can hear it at idle some times, NOW its also a slight lack of power, the exhaust gets hotter than usual under load next to my leg and NOW today i can...
  7. DrChris

    2008 RIII Tacho failure, obsolete, do later versions fit?

    Hi all. I reckon you guys can help me quickly here, my tacho has failed, all other functions work. Under warranty dealer has tried to order replacement but it's obsolete and triumph UK cancelled their backorder. They resorted to a gauge repairer who reckon the circuit board is fried (yet to...
  8. brsmits

    Speedo/Fuel Needle Failure 2013 Touring

    Recently installed a Lithium Battery after taking a 9 month hiatus and did a few laps of the Valley. ~20 miles. Everything was going good until both the speedo and fuel gauge just died mid ride. Bike rode the same all the way home. I did take note that after the speedo died, the odometer and...
  9. Prof Busa

    The Infamous Speedo, Odo, Fuel Gage, Horn Failure - Remedies...?

    Dear Members: I have been riding for over 30 years, and currently live in Singapore where prices of everything are insane. I bought a 2012 Rocket 3 Roadster from an ~80 year old "uncle" who could only speak Chinese. The bike looked great and ran perfect, though the rear tire was shot. Really...
  10. fastfun

    OBD II cableconnection failure

    Hello everyone, I get an issue connecting to TuneEcu with the blue OBD cable. On my laptop I open TuneEcu file but the flickering small bar at the bottom of the TuneEcu screen does not turn to green but after red flickering it stays on orange for a few moments and then checking out completely...
  11. mcather

    Intermittent Dash Failure at Start Up

    Hi Gang, I've had Intermittent Dash Failure at Start Up on my 2013 R3T lately where I turn the key on and get nothing. Turn key off and back on and most times it comes right back on. Everything works 9 out of 10 times. I'm afraid to ride it and get stranded. A few times I've thumped the chrome...
  12. albertaduke

    R3 gt 2021 failure!!

    I am rather baffled and mildly p.....ed off for the second time in 30 days since new my bike would not start .. first time had to trailer it to the dealer 70 miles away somehow main fuse blew now on saturday having lunch at a restaurant on a very hot day I cannot get the bike to start...
  13. G-Force Junkie

    Disco (Failure) lights:)

    Picked up my 2021 GT and put on the first 1000km. It's in for service and the install of all the bits they did not have when I picked it up. (It came lacking the mid controls, quick shift and panniers:) A block from the dealer, an indicator failure lit up (rear left). I took it right back but...
  14. Ishrub

    An unusual gear box failure?

    A story from facebook of a beautifully restored early 2005 with gear damage I have not seen posted here before. @warp9.9 may be able to provide a cause/analysis. Makes me feel glad I only had the shattered teeth of one 4th gear in my sump and no grindings!
  15. brazeagle

    New for the ROCKET

    Hello there, I am a lover of big engine bikes, and I am here to learn from you all out there about the new 2020 Rocket 3. I am ready to pull the trigger, got approved but did not yet sign the deal until sometime next week because of many large issues published about the bike, being: Engine...