
  1. Check Engine Light on after Truck-lite headlight/Stebel horn instal

    Hi all - I have a question I hope someone can answer. I just installed Truck-lite headlight & spots and a Stebel horn. I did have the gages unplugged. Battery was disconnected for about 10 minutes. After I started it - Gas gage didn’t read and check engine light came on. I checked connections to...
  2. PICTURES: (ENGINE ON THE FLOOR..!!) .....eeek!!

    Hi all... Back in November 2014 my second gear went belly up and I could not use it at all. I had to ride shifting from 1st to 3rd and that can be dangerous when you forget. At the same time I was having bad luck with aftermarket grips, because the cable connections break. Anyway, back to the...
  3. Engine rebuild story... continued.

    As some of you know, I recently bought an engine off ebay for 300 bucks. Heck of a deal, couldn't pass it up. Yesterday I finally got to start tearing into it. Here's the results so far:
  4. Engine Guard Bars

    Ordered my 1.5 inch bars from Fast Eddy Sports today, highway pegs next. Also bought a set of the extended seat removal bolts. Got to get some air time.
  5. rocket engine noise

    Has anyone had a very load rattle when cold from the right hand lower rear of the engine that dissapears when warm
  6. Engineers: Do We All Need Autotune?

    Nobody on this forum could be more ignorant about the fine points of motorcycle mechanics than me--I just like to run 'em--but in the process of deciding whether to buy the autotune accessory for my Powercommander 5 I've encountered some information that made me ask the question: Do we all need...
  7. 2008 touring engine died and turns over but wont run!?

    Hi all! just bought my 2008 rocket touring and has done just over 15 k on the clock, i have done over 500km on it and has run sweet as, until i noticed that my fuel guage was reading 3/4 full after i filled her up and the digital readout only showed 50 km to refill? i thought nothing of it and...
  8. Rocket engine design history?

    I was wondering if any of you all out there, know the history of the Rocket engine, from it's very beginning? Sometimes it almost looks like the engine was designed for something else than a motorcycle. Or maybe first thoughts were to place it sideways in a frame. The exhaust looks like a quick...
  9. Triple engine uneven idle

    I have long wondered why, regardless of what I do, both of my triples have always had a fairly even idle with the occasional odd "change" in sound/tempo for a split second and then back to solid. It's not something you will notice if you are not nit-picky about your engines, though I suspect...
  10. Engine missing at start up and sometimes on the road

    Approximately 3 weeks ago, I noticed engine running ruff during startup but smoothes out within a minute. I also smell gas in exhaust. I put some engine cleaner in and then I started having stalling while going down the road 50-70 mph, the stalling was bad enough that I thought it might die but...
  11. Engine Cut Out At Idle

    I have some bad and some Good news, for awhile now my bike has been doing some intermittent cutting out when pulling in the clutch as as i stop or even occasionally when I have the clutch in to long while changing down with a closed throttle.While it has not caused a accident and it started just...
  12. engine misbehaving at idle

    Hi all , a couple of days ago my bike started idling eratically and almost stalling, I thought it might have been a bad batch of gas. I have used that tank up and filled it up with the highest octane available(98) and problem is getting worse. The miss seems to only appear when the bike is in...
  13. engine started to run too ritch

    When for a ride to try out my CF wheels I felt engine hesitate slightly on acceleration once or twice the next day I was going on a decent ride after I fild up about a minute later it started sputtering on reving the engine I could see dark smoke could smell petrol wouldn't idle , same thing...
  14. blacked out engine??

    Are you guys painting the engines black or was that a factory option? I keep finding decent deals on bikes with the standard unpainted engines and I like the look of the black a whole lot more. Is this something I can do at home or do I just need to keep searching for a bike with a black engine?
  15. Engine stand?

    Anyone know if our engines will bolt up to a fairly basic engine stand? Or does it require an adapter of some sort? Gonna be pulling mine out again. In my wreck a couple years back I developed a small crack in the head on the right side close to the back head bolt. It's only gonna get worse, so...
  16. Hard engine breakin

    Hi all, I have just had my engine rebuilt in my R3T and have about 150 miles on it (just haven't been able to get out since I brought it home two weeks ago). I am reading in other places about not taking it easy while breaking in a new engine but rather throttle it hard to make the rings seat...
  17. Want to Buy New engine dress / crash bars. $200 plus postage

    These are brand New never been on the bike Front engine dress / crash bars. Roadster $200 plus postage these were about $350 RRP
  18. R3 vs R3T Engine

    I was visiting my local NEW TRIUMPH Dealer here in Huntsville and there was a Triumph Service Rep there. In our conversation, I asked the big question that always comes up between the two versions of the Rocket. How is the R3T underpowered? He said it was all in the Cams. The Cams are set up...
  19. Engine sound tweeting rocket

    Dear friends,we do not have too many rockets in Poland so please forgive me if you find that my question is rather strange.This year I bought brand new rocket.the engine, when its cold, sounds nice but after it warms up, especially when I reduce engine speed, I hear a sound like birds tweeting...
  20. For Sale 2007 Rocket III with Carpenter Engine + Many Extras

    Because of job loss I am going to sell the Rocket and I am looking to get $13K. The details are: 2007 Rocket III, 5700 miles, 1000mi since Carpenter engine work, runs and looks excellent, no scratches Carpenter Racing 240hp package, dyno'd at 243hp, ($6.2K) Carpenter Racing Brute Exhaust Pipe...