1. cskals

    2005 Keihin ecm module inside diagram, anyone?

    Hi all. Is there a inside diagram of the Keihin ecm anywhere on the www? Thanks in advance.
  2. DDT

    ECM and stuff (sorta) explained.....

    (tried replying to other thread, but 10K character limit.....) a little reading and i answered my own question about 3 vs 1 MAP sensor. 1 sensor connected to all 3. interesting. i also read a little bit about how people are using the MAP sensor input to a PC-V (or whatever) to try and make...
  3. Geoff Smale

    Want to Buy ECM for 2006 Classic

    I need an ECM for a 2006 Classic if anyone has one.
  4. Geoff Smale

    Does reversing the battery polarity blow the ECM

    I have been working on bikes for 40yrs. Yesterday i refitted the battery in my R3 that i am rebuilding and reversed the polarity! yes I know Dumb amateur mistake ( I have beaten myself up enough about it already) . What i am asking is does this blow the ECM or anything else. I have no spark but...
  5. leatal

    ECM Connectors

    Anyone know where I can get both the gray and black locking tab connectors for the ECM? Went to remove my ECM and discovered the dealer I purchased the bike from had swapped out the ECM and in the process broke both locking tabs. I have been operating the bike for over two years with the...
  6. leatal

    Want to Buy ECM

    Could you all please keep your eyes open for an ECM to fit the 2014 Roadster? Thanks. Oh, and a word of caution: Make sure your positive battery lead is ALWAYS attached to the battery post or you'll be looking for a new ECM!
  7. leatal

    Want to Buy ECM

    Anybody have an ECM for a 2014 Roadster laying around that I can purchase? Don't ask why I need one, but NEVER let your positive cable disconnect from the positive battery post while engine is running or you will be looking for another ECM!
  8. leatal

    ECM Number?

    Could a couple of you 2014 Roadster pilots check and post your ECM part number here please? I am trying to replace mine and see numbers all over the place. The broke d!ck one on mine is 1290216. Dealer says the replacement SHOULD be 1294300, online I see 1290102, 1299300, 1290650. I think if the...
  9. 2011 R3T No ECM data port??

    Outstanding forum here folks! Been lurking since 2011, first time post. I promise to formally introduce myself in the appropriate forum here shortly. Bike is apart wanted to get this out there asap. Bike is currently set up with tors and a PCV but wanted to make the jump to tuneecu just...
  10. Skililo

    Fuel Pump Relay clicking and gauges flashing

    Fuel Pump Relay and Alarm Control Unit by Skililo posted Aug 20, 2016 at 7:14 PM I have a 2013 Rocket III Roadster After several months of wiring drama, my gauges are now flashing synchronously and the fuel pump relay is clicking on and off. I suspect the issue is with the Green/Red wire shown...