Was crusing through Ebay... and saw Spike.. in Oklahoma on Ebay.. Current bid is $7500. One of the 1st customized Rockets.. Still only has 14K+ miles on it..
Triumph : Rocket III in Triumph | eBay Motorcycles
This is what I just posted on the Rocket III forums
Back in Dec of 2010 I ordered a service manual ( paper ) , via Ebay. The sellers nickname is>> orod1248<<.
I got the book, and used it for basic stuff like changing oil ect. Then this extended project started , and I realized that the book was...
I'm sure lots of you guys sell on ebay so maybe you can help me with a question. I recently sold an item on there for $717.00 but when I got paid through Paypal I ended up paying the $21.00 dollar paypal fee. Is that normal ? Is there somewhere I should have stated buyer pays the paypal fee ...
AU Link
eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d
US Seller....
Item number:280796078623Item location:Scottsdale, Arizona, United StatesPosts to:Worldwide
Anyone know anything about this one?...
I have a pdf that looks like a scan of a paper copy but this one looks like it has all pdf functions which would be really useful.
These are not from me, but if they are Triumph's Comfort shocks someone could get a deal. Just posting incase anyone is interested. I have a set on mine and they are the best shocks I've had.
Rocket III Comfort Shocks | eBay
Hi Gents, not a lot of action on our classifieds section so I've listed these on Flea Bay. If you missed my Classifieds ad and are interested, PM me.
Is this the long awaited PCV that everyone has been talking about??
Dyno Jet Power Commander V Triumph Rocket III 2009 - eBay (item 400187358179 end time Feb-10-11 12:11:32 PST)
I thought this was a joke but apparently it is serious. But for the life of me I cant find the turbo (or where it connects) unless its tucked underneat the seat! :eek:
But had to share. Check out the price HA!
Triumph : Rocket III - eBay (item 280598250428 end time Dec-07-10 12:02:34 PST)
You guys probably are aware of this brute on Ebay but I'll mention it in passing anyway: an '05 R3 running a Rotrax Supercharger (231 hp), with undercut gearing, key-less ignition and a fantastic custom multi-toned paint job. I think I've seen this scoot on the .com site. The bike's in...
I seen these come up for sale on ebay off of a wrecked bike. I have been kicking it around on buying them to put on my bike but I don't think they would go good on my bike since I have elected to go with the cruizer look. But there are alot of you guys out there with standards that these would...
Practically New Triumph Rocket III/Rocket III Classic rear shocks - $550.00 Wow! These Shock Absorbers for a Triumph Rocket III or Rocket III Classic sell new in our store for $492.98 each or $985.96 per set.
Hurry and get yours now!.. lol
Rear Shock Absorbers, Triumph Rocket III &...
Doesn't this sound like the same old song & dance that went around last year!
First of all let me tell you that I am pleased that are interested in my eBay auction. I want this transaction to be a fast and secure one so
I'd like to have everything clarified at this point. You have to...