
  1. Loading Tunes & O2 Sensor

    Hey, So earlier last week I got comfortable trying out Tunes for my Rocket; one Tune actually stopped my bike from running so lean. Since then I met another Rocketer and he found a compatible Tune that requires the O2 sensor be unplugged. The instructions were to follow the cable up to the...
  2. 2011 R3R Ramair & Viking Exhaust Dyno Results

    Evening Everybody, Just picked up the bike from G P Bikes in Melbourne, FL after getting new tires put on and dyno tuned. 2011 Roadster with Ramair and full 3:1 Viking Exhaust. 20355 KN TORS.hex map used as base. Initial pull: 143.16 HP & 145.47 ft-lbs Final Result: 147.21 HP & 152.66 ft-lbs...
  3. Skinny Dyno Tune 2019-05-17

    Base was Hans0 2014+ Roadster unrestricted plus 10% Running Ramair and Carpenter Sidewinder. Tune was done outside, 85 F, with 56% humidity It runs a little lean between 3000 and 4200 rpm but the fuel table is maxed out. Made 152 hp and 158 ft-lbs torque
  4. Is a dynotune necessary yet?

    Hi guys, I've installed a ramair onto my 2012 Roadster. I wondering if I need a dynotune at this point? I figured I would wait until my exhaust comes so I could have it dynotuned once that arrived but that has been delayed. So long story short can I ride it without getting a dynotune? Cheers