
  1. Interesting custom R3

    Triumph Rocket III from 2WheelsMiklos
  2. @canecorso custom seat review R3T

    I'll lead off with saying I was uncomfortable considering the cost of corbin and russel day seats, not so much the money, but what if I spent it and was disappointed with the comfort level. I'm 5'11", 285lbs, the stock seat is not comfortable at all, as our larger riders have found out, and...
  3. Matching custom leather topbox to factory panniers

    Matching custom leather top-box to factory panniers. Bought today hopefully should arrive this week. Expensive AUD$250 (US$190) but he started at $360 a few months ago. 2nd hand. Made to suit a genuine Triumph Rocket 3 rear rack refer photo Has metal liner. Stainless steel clip bracket plus 2...
  4. Custom exhaust

    Hi every one The tors on my rocket 111 need replacing Ive had no success finding a replacement system at a reasonable cost Jardine £1800 Zard over £1200 spoke to the guy in kent who made the sidewinders and he said he no longer makes them. Does anybody Know of anyone in the Northwest of UK who...
  5. Baron Custom Accessories Kickback Risers

    Does anyone know if these will work on our bike? The more I read here the more I find people are just using the stock bars with risers. I like my hands a little higher than most. If they would fit they might be the ticket I'm looking for.
  6. Any interest in adding aftermarket front turn signals?

    I'm wanting to add some aftermarket front turn signals but am having a hard time finding the hardware to do so. I would like to use fork clamps. I found one place that makes the style I want but not in a 59mm diameter which is the diameter of the Rocket forks. I know someone with a machine shop...
  7. Custom build - details unknown

    Came across this on oz Gumtree sellers site: Custom equal length headers with individual single side triple exhausts Triple bell mouth inlets custom paint and seat What else can you spot? May be worth asking for more photos and details from seller. Triumph rocket drag x $29,000.00 67...
  8. New

    It's time to renew the tag on my Rocket and want to change wording from "R 3 R" that I'm currently using to ?????. Anybody got suggestions for a maximum five letter meaningful slogan for a tag? Please no cursing or insulting slogans to our Harley brothers! Am thinking "TQSTR" or "RCKT3", but...
  9. Custom saddlebag lid top embellishers

    I recently bought a pair of these custom fender bibs to try out as saddlebag lid top embellishers worked well have taken some pics fitted on my saddlebags but need to upload them (a 1st for me so be patient) Great communication with seller Steve: "Mate as per the e-bay listing - these...
  10. Custom fitting Mustang trunk

    My next door neighbor has a Harley he took his Mustang trunk off of I'm going to mount it on the back of my bike its a $600 trunk and he just gave it to me, so I thought I'd try it.
  11. Want to Buy Tail light

    I was doing one of my "custom" things and.......anyway looking for a tail light for my 06 standard...thanks.
  12. Transmission Customer Service

    I had a great experience with Triumph Customer Service. My new TR3 was laid up for 2 months with a transmission issue. It would jump out of gear and then back in , in 1st gear. Turns out it was a factory assembly issue (omitted a thrust washer). It required the engine be opened up. I was not to...
  13. Looking for custom oil tank embellisher

    Hi, I'm looking for a custom oil tank embellisher for a Rocket 3. I saw some pretty awesome ones on here but can't find it now that I'm registered. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Custom Oil embellishers

    So I have designed a couple of these and thought maybe you guys might like to see what they look like. I will have some final pieces soon to look at. Here is my most recent Oil Embellisher...
  15. Maverick Customs Seat

    Anyone have one one their R3? Pros? Cons? thanks in advance
  16. Take a look at this custom bike with Rocket 3 engine.

    I was just killing time watching YouTube videos when I spotted a R3 engine in a OC/ Jessie James looking custom bike. Just thought you guys might find it interesting. The bike is at about 19:00 into the video.
  17. custom bars... who does good quality extended cables etc...

    Hi all, have purchased some 2in roller bars, about 12 inches of rise, who makes decent extended cables @ozrider has thoughts on classic cables being 3-6inches of extra length compared to roadsters, has anyone got any ideas or had the same issues??
  18. Custom cold air ram intake

    Alright, now that CranbarraR3 has sold his customer intake, I have a the guy that built the ram air intake for the Carpenter Racing bike. The dealer said they could tune it for me. Didn't think they could, but he assured me they could. Has anyone else heard of the dealer tuning the bike? Also...
  19. Custom headlights

    just looking around and found these. Not my thing but may be for someone.
  20. For Sale Unique Custom Intake

    I will be taking delivery of a new bike this week and my Rocket days are numbered. Several parts will be offered for sale, but not until a prospective owner has had first dibs. Items could include the CES header, Foran pipes, seat with rider back rest, Dobeck TFI, quick release backrest...