It's all go info , but exhaust section starts @
52 of 112 on pdf file = bottom #'s
Wayne Sully put this on the other site..Ck. it out. Jack Dont know what to call it..Mabey ****** rocket rocket..
Here are photos of an ARC exhaust built for a Bonneville Salt Flats bike:
Doug plans 3 equal length tubes for my R3, dropping in a twisted fashion below #2 exhaust port, then running straight back to the collector and large single megaphone. He also fabricated the mono-shock frame above...
I have been looking over the mods that have been posted and am wondering if they void my warranty. Yes, I think they do. I got my 07 Classic back in March so have a 1 1/2 or there abouts on my warranty. I'm interested in doing the filter relocate for one but I want to verifiy that I have to...
This is further to my FlipMeister marketing thrust:rolleyes:.
I happen to be faced with a dozen or so of firm orders for a ready-to-fit, Palatina-like mini front guard, be it made out of plastic, steel or aluminium. No carbon (I have a Palatina carbon unit on my Rocket) , thanks, cuz' it...
AF1 Racing in New Braunfels, Texas, had my bike for the past week, creating a custom map using Tuneboy and a dyno. I am running triple 2780s with Jardines and no secondaries. Apparently, the power caught up with the clutch because he had to stop the tuning process early. He had gotten about 8...
Came across this on a british customs site... The intake is not a bad idea, a good way to bring in some cool air under the claw cover and nice addition to triple filter set up.
Here's a picture of an early R3 with a Vetter sidecar shot at a rally in Yakima, Washington last year by a member of our sidecar association. Nice, clean and simple rig.
The airbox and the Jardines are on the bike. Ya all know how good the Jars are, so I'll skip telling you how much I like them. LoL
The airbox and the bearclaw look good. They blend in very well with the bike. The black bearclaw looks so much better than the chrome one. I'll get some...
Hello - heard there is someone out in the States fabricating very large windshields for the rocket 111 so one can ride in comfort... who knows this guy?