cruise control

  1. railcutter

    Cruise Control

    Hey Folks! I’ve got a 2014 R3T and would like to install cruise control. Any suggestions? Thanks in Advance … Den
  2. Mickey11

    Cruise control

    I 'm looking to buy a. cruise control for my 2010 Rocket lll touring. I live in Simi Valley in southern calif. I was hoping someone might know where I could get it installed. I have been looking on line at the MC cruise site in Australia . I haven't been able to talk to them yet . Maybe next week .
  3. Cruise Control - asking about Kaoko throttle lock

    KAOKO Motorcycle Cruise Control for Triumph Rocket III Anyone used this ??
  4. Mickey11


    I had a friend tell me there is someone down under that makes an electronic cruise control that will work on my 2011 R3 touring . Has anyone installed one of these units ? Where did you find it ? Mickey11
  5. PaddyO

    Throttle Adjustment Question after installing MC Cruise Control

    Finished installing MC Cruise control on 2014 R3T this evening. Started the bike up and the throttle was way high. I had backed out the "Carburetor Cable" way out of the CIU in order to adjust the freeplay in the throttle without having to screw the throttle adjuster almost all the way out when...
  6. PaddyO

    How much time does it take to install a McCruise cruise control?

    I will be flying to San Antonio on Sunday, 4/1/18, to get my 2014 R3T with a little over 2,700 miles on it. It is currently sitting in the shop of a friend of mine. He has all the tools I think I will need. I will be replacing the cooling system hoses and tires out of abundance of caution since...
  7. BillyIndiana

    R3T Add Ons

    The R3T is a well thought out bike. There is not a lot of things you really need to do to it. Thought I would add some photos of the creature features I have found useful. I also have Triumph adjustable highway pegs on her. X Creen by BillyIndiana posted Sep 10, 2017 at 9:40 PMTORS by...
  8. atjurhs

    is there an after market cruise control

    hey guys, i'd really like to put cruise control on my 2017. the dealer tells me triumph doesn't make one that's integrated into the bike. he sold me this mechanical one, which is ok, but it drifts, and can be a bit dangerous when needing to reduce speed quickly because you can just pull in...
  9. tdragger

    SOLD - Rostra Electronic Cruise Control - SOLD

    Never installed. Bought it for my 2006 Standard. It should work on all models. Includes VSS digital speedo pickup. Similar to the MCcruise setup. Sold with no guarantees nor liability. Install at your own risk. $75 plus shipping.
  10. Breakaway Cruise Control $180.00

    OK. it isn't cruise control just a throttle lock, but for under $200 with all the features of cruise control (almost) I think this is something worth getting excited about. I installed the breakaway throttle lock on my roadster today. There are other threads talking about it but I figured it...
  11. Mittzy

    Relocated my Cruise Control Module

    My Cruise control module was fitted to the left hand side under the side cover, whilst it was good there I had no where to install the new regulator as it is bigger then the standard Mosfet one. The Series regulator is the one that @DEcosse recommended . This was the cruise control module at...
  12. Tommy Boy

    Brakeaway Mechanical Cruise Control

    Got home from work today and installed a Brakeaway 7CP04 on my 2015 r3t. This is the first on I have installed and it was quick and easy. Only took about 15 mins. Seems to work just fine. looking forward to getting out on the road to check it out. When I bought my bike I rode it home about...
  13. Rodneyjd6

    Cruise control not working

    Hi i have a cruise control fitted on the rocket was working great i added some fuel to the map on decell through tuneecu would that stop it from working
  14. HowardRoark

    Breakaway cruise on ISOs! Quick question, please!

    I know Breakaways fit on our R3s, but after searching the forums, I can't find anyone that has installed them on Kuryakyn ISO grips. Any advice, pictures, or trouble? Greatly appreciated fellow Captains! Bob