
  1. R3R Handlebar and OEM crash bar size

    I have a 2012 R3R. Can someone tell me what diameter the original triumph handlebars for this year are, as well as the crash bars (triumph ones) that protect the engine if you drop the bike? I am looking to add some accessories and don't know the sizes of those bars. thanks
  2. FSU Tight End Crashes...Again

    This is not R3 specific, but it does show one of the hazards all bike riders face. Nick O'Leray is Jack Nicolas' granson and plays at FSU. The article has a video of his first mishap but doesn't really talk about his recent crash. Watch the video and notice that it appears his helmet comes off...
  3. Hometown police officer dies in motorcycle crash

    We lost a great police officer today at around 2:00 PM this afternoon. Greg Maloney was a well trained motorcycle cop. He caught me in a speed trap last fall doing 95 on a 60 mph highway. I was going too fast to figure out what was going on. I was hurrying home before the rain was about to...
  4. Hometown police officer dies in motorcycle crash

    We lost a great police officer today at around 2:00 PM this afternoon. Greg Maloney was a well trained motorcycle cop. He caught me in a speed trap last fall doing 95 on a 60 mph highway. I was going too fast to figure out what was going on. I was hurrying home before the rain was about to...
  5. Hometown police officer dies in motorcycle crash

    We lost a great police officer today at around 2:00 PM this afternoon. Greg Maloney was a well trained motorcycle cop. He caught me in a speed trap last fall doing 95 on a 60 mph highway. I was going too fast to figure out what was going on. I was hurrying home before the rain was about to...
  6. Hometown police officer dies in motorcycle crash

    We lost a great police officer today at around 2:00 PM this afternoon. Greg Maloney was a well trained motorcycle cop. He caught me in a speed trap last fall doing 95 on a 60 mph highway. I was going too fast to figure out what was going on. I was hurrying home before the rain was about to...
  7. Front crash bar dimensions

    Does anyone knows the outside diameter of the R3T front crash bar? I havent received my new bars yet but I have a deal on a used set of pegs now and I need the measurements. Thanks!!
  8. Crash Guard saves the day!!!

    At a local watering hole, an ass of patron was removed by the Staff due to his high level of intoxication. After being ejected, and in a fit of rage, for some reason he staggered up to my Rocket and pushed it over... This caused me a large amount of displeasure which I directed at the drunkard...
  9. Want to Buy Pannier / Saddlebag Brackets, Rear Crash Bars, Dresser Rails

    I have a pair of Factory leather panniers (saddlebags) without the mounts and I need a set of the factory saddlebag mounting brackets for my 2006 R3 Standard. Is there anyone who installed a set of easy brackets that is willing to part with their factory mounts? I am also in the market for a...
  10. For Sale Triump Rocket III Crash bar 35mm

    Hi i sell this heavy duty crash bar, its 3 layered chrome on the top and diameter 35mm. Its brand new with all mounting hardware needed and fitting instruction. Top quality part. Price now 159 pounds, i can ship nearly anywhere for about 15.
  11. Crash

    Short note, I have crashed 2 weeks ago and am in rehab. If interest you can read more at
  12. Do Crash Bars Protect Much?

    Hi I am thinking of fitting crash bars to my bike but not sure how much damage they would save. I am only thinking of drops and not crashes or side skids. I have tried google to find anything showing a rocket tipped over but have drawn a blank. Can anyone help, preferably with photos. Does it...
  13. Rocket 3 crash on highway

    We picked up the broken pieces and I limped the bike to the Rest Stop where we kicked everything straight again and used pallet stabilizer jacks from a trucker to straighten out the handlebars, which were bent like a pretzel. We said a prayer and finished the remaining 250 miles to Atlanta where...
  14. Rocket 3 crash on highway

    That's me in the white shirt disassembling the controls so we could bend the bars back again. My wrists were so tired I could barely use an allen wrench.
  15. Rocket 3 crash on highway

    Cruising on Interstate 10, five of us on bikes with me in the lead. Traffic cruises at 80 to 85 mph. Speed limit is 70 down there. Traffic in front of me went chaotic as cars were dodging something in the road. Brake lights and tire smoke is all I could see as nailed the brakes, but not so hard...
  16. Rocket 3 crash on highway

    The bars are twisted on both sides. If you use highway bars to protect your engine, and you lay it down at fast speeds, you can count on the bike flipping up on its wheels and coming down on the other side again.
  17. Insane crash

    Talk about one lucky guy...:eek: Motorcyclist Survives Insane Crash on MSN Video
  18. So what to do with old crash hats??

    Thread title says it all. Suggestions????
  19. Finally got my new crash bars installed !

    Finally felt good enough to get out in the barn and work on the Roc. Installed my new Stebel horn behind the original horns chrome cover like I did the original, except this time I faced the openings backwards to try to keep the water out of it. Seems to be just as loud. I broke the old...
  20. Crash / Dresser bars

    Just installed my Christmas present!! Got a set of dresser / crash bars, they only come in chrome. Had them black powder coated and just installed them on Roadster. Seemed kinda crazy to take brand new perfect high quality chrome, and blast it and coat it. But i didn't want them to stand out!