
  1. Clutch question, please help.

    Okay, I have a 2007 R3 Classic w/22,000 miles. Yesterday the clutch started slipping real bad! I had previously thought that it barely slipped a time or two, but it was so faint that I wasn't even sure if it did slip. Now I can't even give it a medium twist of throttle without it slipping...
  2. 2007 Rocket Help T/S!

    Hello all! Today I found myself the new owner of a gorgeous Rocket III... With a catch of course. Money was tight but I've been eyeing this bike for some time. I found one on CL near me with 20k miles on all original parts but last owner reports trans failure. Somewhere between 4th and 5th he...
  3. Clutch not disengaging.

    I correctly diagnosed a broken detent spring thanks to some knowledgeable people on this forum. (thanks warp 9.9) . I pulled the front cover off and found both pieces of the detent spring. I pulled the clutch apart and carefully laid everything down on newspaper exactly as it came apart...
  4. Clutch Modification

    I seem to recall reading somewhere that the old clutch actuation system may be upgraded with new parts. I understand there is some machining involved but this is OK. Tried searching but couldn't find. Something to to with the actuator rod and bearing? My bike is an 05 and they changed in 2008...
  5. Barnett Clutch kit link

    Just ordered one and found it on Amazon here's a link if anyone's interested;)
  6. Want to Buy Clutch side control

    Anybody got a nice one these they would like to sell ?
  7. Upgrading your clutch springs?? What NOT to buy... MTC

    Do NOT waste your money on these!! Yes, MTC may make the best fibers. Yes, their $500 billet basket (installed here) is virtually indestructible but their clutch springs are actually WEAKER than stock!! How do I know this you ask? After rebuilding my clutch with all MTC parts it still...
  8. Clutch Cable Help

    Got an 2006 R3 and the clutch doesn't want to fully disengage when at a stop. It will clank around until I'm at a stop and sometimes it will want to keep going and I'll have to keep the brakes engaged, sometimes it's like it should be. I noticed both the handle adjuster and lower adjuster are...
  9. Clutch Advice Needed

    Just wanted a few opinions, I've got a new clutch and springs set to fit over the winter, is it worth changing the detent spring or anything else while i'm in there. No signs of trouble other than some clutch slip reported when I had a tune on a dyno earlier in this year, so what do you guys think?
  10. opening up the clutch

    Hey guys not sure if this is the right forum to post this, I'm about to inspect the needle bearing on the clutch lift arm, (I'm getting a noise from that area when I shift and on start up) I found this utube video while doing some research. the guy did a pretty good job, really helped to know...
  11. Queensland member who wanted a clutch cable

    Where do I send a spare I have?? Mal the Kiwi.
  12. turning the clutch lever adjuster?

    hey guys, i've already set the clutch adjustment dial to 4 but i'd like to have the clutch handle release even closer to the handlebar than it is with the dial on 4. with arthritis in my fingers a closer release to the handlebars would make it easier. i only found in the user manual about...
  13. A Rocket in a Clutch...

    The weather in Michigan is beautiful this time of year. Sunday was a perfect day to ride to Lake Michigan. I must have rode about 10 miles from home and the clutch cable broke. Did I mention it was beautiful and a Sunday? My biker friends were off riding and having fun. Me, I'm waiting for...
  14. Clutch adjustment

    Do you guys notice a big difference in clutch cable free play when the engine is hot as opposed to cold ? I generally check the free play before every startup and am finding that the 3mm at the lever when cold becomes nearer 5 mm After a run ! When the engine has cooled , free play once again...
  15. clutch change

    getting ready to change out my clutch any special tools or hints or suggestions? thanks in advance.
  16. Clutch reassembly troubles (Paranoid maybe?)

    First things first. I'm reassembling the clutch and I noticed some wear from the springs on the pressure plate. Should I worry about this or is this typical? It's quite hard to say exactly what is the depth of it. (See pictures) Then I noticed what appears to be a hairline crack in the inner...
  17. Minor clutch adjustment

    Hey all, hopefully just a quick question. I put on a set of Kuryakyn ISO grips and they are a bit thicker than stock. So now i find that getting into neutral is a bit of a pain. (I slid the grip off as the glue failed and have no issues putting it in neutral with just the handlebar) Which end...
  18. Oil change after new clutch and gears?

    Hi all. Do you think it's necessary to do an oil change after a new clutch and gears? I.e. put a few 100 miles on it or let it go the full service interval? Thanks again.
  19. Do I need a clutch?

    Ok, so I finally got to take my new 08 R3s out for its first ride yesterday, and notice led that it was ****ed tricky to shift into second- it felt like the clutch wasn't fully engaged and I was bouncing off the gear back into neutral, particularly at higher revs (4-5k). I read all the posts...
  20. Setting the Clutch

    All: I have been rebuilding the engine (replaced the output shaft bearings) and am nearly done with assembly but the clutch is not operating correctly; can someone let me know what needs to be done. 1: the clutch was NOT touched in the motor, only the cable and lever were removed. 2: the...