
  1. Want to Buy Chrome water pump kit

    or leads on where I might find one please, sadly to date, google has failed me this time. Cheers, Mal the Kiwi.
  2. Want to Buy R3T rear fender chrome tip (right hand side)

    Just got my New to me 2008 R3T today. Awesome bike. It's missing the accessory chrome tip at the bottom of the fender on the right hand side.
  3. Want to Buy chrome oil tank

    search for chrome oil tank
  4. Want to Buy R3T pannier chrome guard rails

    Looking for a set of chrome guard rails to dress up panniers on my 2010 R3T.
  5. Want to Buy Trade my Chrome trim pieces for your Black

    I have a Classic with too much chrome. I'm going to get the front fork guards, rear foot peg and muffler hanger bracket cover, rear frame rail covers and headlight bezel rings powder coated black. I'll buy a set of black radiator shrouds from a Roadster. I thought I ask here first in case...
  6. Chrome to Black Engine Guards

    What is the best way to turn chrome guards black? is it best to strip the chrome off, has anyone done this.
  7. For Sale Chrome Headlight Trim

    OEM Headlight Trim for Touring. I think this is about $30 for the trim new. FREE if you pay the shipping.
  8. For Sale Chrome Logo Handlebar Clamp #A9638025

    Chrome Logo Handlebar Clamp #A9638025. $60 on Triumph site ( Asking $25 plus shipping.
  9. For Sale Chrome Passenger Floorboard Covers # A9738077

    Chrome Passenger Floorboard Covers with Triumph emblem. Price on Triumph site new is $90 plus the cost of the emblems Asking $50
  10. For Sale Chrome Master Cylinder Cover #A9738069 - SOLD

    New in box Chrome Master Cylinder Cover #A9738069. $90 on the Triumph site here ( Asking $50 plus shipping cost
  11. Chrome Plating R3 Wheels

    Has anyone out there in R3 land had their wheels chrome plated? Also has anyone had their brake disc polished and if so did it affect braking? Thanks in advance for any input.
  12. More bling - clock and thermometer available in chrome and black on eBay

    More bling - clock and thermometer available in chrome and black on eBay. Buy them separately its cheaper than as a paired listing. AU $10.59 Approximately US $8.16 Shipping to Australia AU $1.59(approx.US $1.22) ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT AU $14.45 Approximately US $11.13 FREE Economy...
  13. Need help identifying a chrome solo rack and some bits?

    I bought a few bits and bobs bundled with a black fly screen for my 2010 R3R and am trying to ID some of them, fitment for which model and if it is a Triumph or aftermarket part. The clipseal bags have a dozen or so mounting bolts of various sizes. Chrome solo fender mount rack - no markings...
  14. Chrome Cam covers...

    Looking for chrome cam covers for my '13 Roadster. Anyone have them kicking around? Rocket Standard and Rocket Classic will work. Thanks in advance.
  15. Chrome for Black

    Just throwing this out ---does anyone have Black TORs for a Roadster they would like to swap for Chrome?
  16. Chrome billet mirrors

    Anyone know who sells a nice set of chrome billet mirrors for the R3R?
  17. Want to Buy Sissy Bar & Back Rest

    Looking for a Triumph Sissy Bar & Back Rest for my 2010 Roadster. Does anyone have one they would like to sell..? Postage to Victoria Australia. Thanks
  18. Keeping chrome rust free

    Looking for a protectant to stop rust. Moved to the Pacific Northwest several years ago. I was surprised at the rust on my Goldwing pipes and motorcycle trailer chrome wheels. I got the rust specks off the GW pipes before I sold it, using gojo cleaner and mothers. I am not sure if I want to...
  19. HD Daymakers - Chrome or Black??

    Okay, I can't be the only one that's went through this... Do I purchase the Chrome Daymakers to fit inside of my chrome buckets that will be surrounded with a Black Corbin fairing soon or do I go with Black Haymakers inside of my Chrome buckets surrounded with a Corbin fairing?? LOL - worse...
  20. Chrome engine block?

    How is this look accomplished? Are there years/models that come with a chrome/grey engine block, or is this sandblasted, etc?