1. Genuine Triumph Tail Bag - FAIL In my case.

    I recently brought a new R3GT. I went ahead and brought the matching panniers (ok- but could be improved on) at the time thinking I might get a tail bag for the rear rack that I also purchased. I researched and struggled to find any useful information about the tail bag apart from a couple of...
  2. leatal

    Engine Case bolts.......?

    For you guys who have the opened and closed the crankcase, did you replace all the case bolts or did you reuse the bolts? I plan on using new bolts for internal parts, and to save $150, would like to reuse the external case bolts. The external case bolts only torque to 28nm so maybe safe to reuse?
  3. noyesknifer

    Shad Top Case Lamonster Rack Coupling

    I have a shad top case plate and the Lamonster garage rack. How would you go about securely coupling the two? Here's how they line up with each other.
  4. Korte

    clutch reinstall thrust washer locations on 2013 r3 phantom red roaster,,i had this bikes clutch in a box ,basket case when i bought it,,,HELP

    were does idem part number 23 go and its place on the reassembly per the factory triumph manual I HAVE,,its called a spacer clutch assembly part number T1172727,,i got everything thing else and identified there placements per the manual on the tranmission output shalf,,but this spacer needs to...
  5. Normen

    Custom Luggage Rack + Pelicase

    I can only post 10 pictures in 1 thread - for the building i will start another thread Some Infos: custom luggage rack out of 8mm aluminium, pulver coated Pelicase im2200 (only one next to the 1450 which grips a wide enough) Electronic lock - opens only with ignition (no more fumble on...