Ooh I love that Rocket III engine! I make DIY sports cars and parts for other homebuilders (google <Locost cars> or go to <kineticvehicles.com> to see what I'm up to) and I fell in love with the Rocket III powerplant, so I bought a bike that had been rear-ended and after riding it a bit, am...
I've been on the fence about going to the Darkside and putting a car tire on my 14 R3T.
I can see how it would get better tread life on flat Street roads but I live in Eastern Tennessee and the roads are far from straight.
I ride the Tail of the Dragon, Copperhead run, the snake and all the...
Just ordered and new Parelli 205/60-16 tire. Putting it on my 2008 touring. Anyone have experience with it? I’m mostly doing it because now that i have done some mods I can’t keep from burning the back tire. Hopefully the car tire gets more traction? What you guys think???
I hope I´m not intruding on you folks from downunder... My son is in Melbourne with his girlfriend right now. Their plan is to work in Australia for a year. Anyway, he´s thinking he wants to buy a car. I know a few things about cars but nothing of the market and brands you drive. Could anyone be...