
  1. Hi there, another from Brisbane AU,

    Hey there, just doing the obligatory intro post. tall, dark & handsome 2014 R3 with 7,200KM, I picked it up on Wednesday morning, I dropped in to see @ozrider AKA Les. at LMS in Brisbane Sth on the way home and ordered his full exhaustwith headers and the Oz Claw, should be ready in two weeks...
  2. Hello from Brisbane Australia

    Hello fellow Rocketeers! It's taken me a while to get forumed! I Ride a 2014 Roadster. Always wanted one ever since I sat on one of them way back in 2006 at a motorcycle expo. It has been an amazing journey this far. Nice to meet you all. 🖐
  3. Brisbane australia

    Hello from Brisbane australia. Sully here 2017 rocket 3 touringing Any from military brotherhood
  4. Visiting Brisbane etc in June-July

    Opinions of our down under members: what absolutely must I see/do in Queensland in June/July? We've got three weeks plus a bit, as yet unplanned except airfare. Thanks for the replies!
  5. Ride from Brisbane to Cooyar Pub Meet N Greet

    A guy on Facebook (Andrew Chauser) has organised a meet and greet at the Cooyar Pub in Queensland - All Welcome. Ill Tag Peaople sorry If I miss you but anyone should feel free to join us and tag others. Meeting in Brisbane at the BP Servo at Blacksoil at 7:30 am for an 8:00 ride. The event is...
  6. Brisbane tuners

    Research time guys all help appreciated. So I currently have a list of repairs that need to be completed, after which I have some cosmetic and performance upgrades in mind, I'm all sorted for the current repairs, I have my plan for cosmetic/comfort upgrades. And to an extent I have a plan for...
  7. Hi from Brisbane Australia

    I can remember as a young guy 2 of my uncles had triumphs and I would go around there place and watch them work on and polish them So naturally I become a triumph guy. I've had a few triumphs but now I ride my dream bike a 2016 Rocket roaster. It's big it mean and it puts a smile on my face...
  8. For Sale M/C Trailer Brisbane

    M/C trailer for sale, $2200 no swaps Great condition easy to tow Rocket didn’t know it was there. Austrack Trailer did have a camper on top so still has stabiliser bars and would be easy to convert back if that’s what you want. Or mount roof top tent on top Swivel hitch Electric brakes...
  9. Thought I should say hi, Qualified LV Mechanic from Brisbane Queensland.

    My Bikes by Dev'o Rockets posted Mar 10, 2018 at 11:29 PM
  10. New owner in Brisbane

    Gday just bought an 06 R3 with 9000 k's on her. Will probably have a few performance mod questions. Already been reading a lot of threads on here regarding air, exhaust and tuning. Cheers
  11. G'day from Brisbane

    As a Triumph fanatic and owner I am on the verge of purchasing my first R3. Looking forward to a long and happy relationship.
  12. Hey guys I'm from Brisbane Australia

    Love Triumph all ways have since a kid, two of my uncle's had one each I use to go around and jump on the bikes and pretend I was hitting the highway. That's were the love of all things Triumph started.