
  1. Thems the brakes

    We talk a lot about how to make our stupid fast bikes go faster but not so much on making it stop. Who makes aftermarket brakes that brake better than stock? Love and kisses. Yer pal. Norm.
  2. rear brakes

    having trouble with my rear brakes . My brake petal bottoms out the first time I step on them and even if I pump them up there still weak. My fluid level is good and I bled them. Pads are ok just seems like the plunger is bad.
  3. 4000 miles on new bike, rear brake squeal

    Bought a 2015 R3T new old stock a few days over 2 months ago. I've put 4000 miles on it and all the sudden it's developed a rear brake squeal. I've seen some other posts about this around 20K but not at this few of miles. Has anyone else experienced this on their bike?
  4. After market Rotors? Front Brake pulsing...

    I'm new to the R3. I've a '13 touring ABS model I recently purchased w/about 8,000 miles on her. While braking the front pulses badly. I think it is heat spots on the rotors. OEM rotors are about $600 a set. I'm not cool w/$600 every 8K miles. Anyone suggest aftermarket rotors for the bike? I'm...