brake light

  1. No Brake light, Horn, Turn Signals...

    I know they all run off the same relay, checked it. It has power and continuity. Can't locate a relay for any of these. Would the fuse have power if the trouble is the ignition switch? Thanks
  2. Horn/brake light/turn indicators not working all the time

    No problems with the brake/horn/indicators before starting, it starts without any problems, at 2000rpm the voltage is 14.5v (neutral) but when riding the horn does not work. The brake light and the turn indicators might or might not work while riding. Hard to pinpoint a condition that will...
  3. Rear brake light wiring, which one?

    Folks, anyone know which of the three wires going to the rear light is for the brake light? I took a volt meter yesterday and found the black center to be the negative wire no problem, and I believe the yellow wire to be the running rear light, however the green wire which I’d gue to be the...