
  1. Goodbye Bobber, goodbye Speed Triple, hello R3GT!

    I traded in my 2021 Bobber and my 2015 Speed Triple this weekend and am now the proud owner of a beautiful Red Triumph Rocket 3 GT. Made the fatal error of taking a Rocket out for a test drive when my Bobber was in for a service a couple of weeks ago, after which the Bobber felt like jumping on...
  2. Hi. Currently carrying out modifications to a 2005 Rocket 3 to convert to a "Bobber" style bike

    Currently carrying out modifications to a 2005 Rocket 3 to convert to a "Bobber" style bike
  3. Hi from another UK Newbie to the Rocket 3 community

    Hi, just came across this forum and it's a great source of info for someone who's recently purchased an R3 GT (my previous ride was a Bonneville Bobber Black). Looking forward to reading more about owners' experiences and also to pick up loads of useful tips on this beast! Hopefully at some...
  4. Spring mounted Solo seats - Bobber Style

    Classic with long wide bars by chrisw posted Oct 26, 2019 at 11:08 AMHI Has anyone replaced the standard seat with a bobber seat (spring mounted) Would we interesting to see how it looks and if any benefits in terms of being able to change ride height maybe get more shock absortion. Also...
  5. For Sale Bad Decision: Indian Scout Bobber W/O blessing

    My friends 21 year old had a 2019 Indian Scout Bobber follow him home while his parents were on a cruise (vacation). His Mother about flipped out:mad::mad::mad::mad:. He knew better, tried to get his way:(.Lost...was informed "It's either You or the Bike" Indian has 200 miles on it, comes with...