
  1. Bikes that died this year

    Top 10 bikes that died in 2018
  2. Spent the day cleaning bikes

    I spent the day cleaning 2 of my bikes. The first is my 1993 honda ntv650 that I got a few weeks ago which the previous owner added a fairing to and lots of panniers and boxes and stuff for doing long distance touring. When I got the bike it was mostly green and mouldy as it had been sitting for...
  3. How to: Extend brake line on ABS bikes (cheap)

    I have avoided tackling this for 4 years, finally I have sorted it out. You will need the linked items below: JEGS 100784: AN to Inverted Flare Female Tube Adapter Fittings -3AN x 10mm x 1.0 Inverted Flare | JEGS Allstar -3 an to 10mm Banjo Fitting Stainless Steel Brake Hose Guage Turbo...
  4. Swapped bikes today

    Finally got to pick up my Roadster from Carpenter Racing today. While there, I dropped off the Classic for a pipe and tune. Bob Carpenter tuning the Roadster. I'll be up here a few days. Guess who's house im staying at. Here's a hint.:whitstling:
  5. Euro bikes out riding

    Where I live most of the bikes on the road seem to be from The Motor Company. Now and then I'll see a few metric cruisers, and a couple of sport bikes. I've only seen 2 Triumphs around here, and no other European bikes. Last week my nephew bought a BMW S 1000 RR. This morning we met up for...
  6. DAVO Introduction

    Hi Folks, I am new to this forum and take the opportunity to introduce myself. I am an Australian based in Melbourne, have been riding bikes for 50 years now and have graduated to the type of beast that suits my personality. My BMW's are real nice handling machines and I was tossing up for the...
  7. Self-riding bikes....

    This is an interesting concept i wonder if it will be applied to motorcycles.Coming available April 1st..
  8. Storing Bikes in cold weather

    Hey there everyone, Just thought I'd ask a simple but important question about cold weather bike storage! So I have two bikes, the Triumph Rocket of course and the BMW R1200gs. I am currently storing them in a airplane hanger with absolutely no insulation just protection from wind/rain and...
  9. I've owned some noisy bikes but.....

    Is this normal? The video doesn't capture the bone rattling metal on metal clanking. It doesn't go away at any speed. In fact, even at 80mph on the highway, I can here it over the wind noise. The bike is a 2016, and still has break-in oil in, with 700 miles.
  10. How do you increase RPM over 6800 on older bikes ?

    I am reprograming my bike with TuneECU to see what I can get. I noticed the 20050 tune won't let the RPM go over 6800. Is there a by-pass or work around for that ? Wanting to try 7000.
  11. Only "Harley bikes matter"?

    Funny thing happened to us today; As most of you know the clutch on my harley broke, its been fixed, also as some of you know, my daughter is learning to ride so she can ride with us to RAA SD. To test the clutch and for my daughter to get some more saddle time we went for a ride, checked gas on...
  12. Bikes and Boobs.....

    Oh the rush.....:cool:
  13. They are nice bikes just a bit small.

    They hired a new guy at work. Mr Harley Davidson himself. He has all the tattoos neat looking sunglasses and of course the Harley Davidson t-shirt. He even had genuine Harley Davidson boots on. Of course the supervisor who we get along with real well hooked him up with me to show him around and...
  14. How tough is the driveline on these bikes?

    Considering the Rocket gets a lot of mods, like the Carpenter stage 1 and 2 kits, blowers, etc., how does the driveline hold up on this bike? Coming from an M109R, which had a weak driveline, the question popped into my head. There were guys that actually snapped the drive shaft on 109s from...
  15. interesting thought about new sport bikes

    So we were bsing about motorcycles at work and a buddy made this statement. All these new ****** rockets are just cheaper versions of gp bikes. Yet the way they make em cheaper is to take off all the stuff that makes them handle better yet they are almost identical in power and speed. Which he...
  16. Adventure bikes

    Man, I always thought adventure bikes were lame. If you want a street bike, just get a street bike. If you want a dirt bike just get one, they're way better at it. But, I started watching youtube videos about guys going on rides to alaska and other cool and rugged destinations, and it seems like...
  17. BEWARE...Posting Smartphone Photos of Bikes

    You may be aware already ?. but for those---(like me) who didn't know..:unsure: Basically, if you use a smartphone, the picture will have GPS location data embedded, the time you took the photo and the type of smartphone used!!! :eek: Right click the bike's photo, copy the URL onto the...
  18. My Bikes & New Tyres

    Thought I'd put a post up showing both of my bikes. I've wanted to do this for weeks, but time or lack of it has meant it's taken a while.... 2011 R3R 1981 Bonnie T140E Just had Exedra Max fitted to the rear and Avon 72V Cobra to the front... Thanks to you guys on here i followed what...
  19. Baldwin Blessing of the Bikes

    Here's a couple pics from the Blessing of the Bikes here in Baldwin Michigan. From left, Martin (Jabol on Tammie Bixler, Kip Smith and yours truly. Our bikes, Martins, Kips and mine. Our Ladies ! Someone else's lady (WHO HOO !) Seen a Purple Rocket there but didn't see the...