1. A1A Rider

    Manual transmission shifting on the Rocket vs other bikes with smaller engines

    Curious if the largest production engine somehow influences what gears you use when driving, say, vs some other motorcycle. Like, more using higher or lower gears... Low cruising speed vs highway cruising.. For example, I find myself at times just taking off from a stop in 3rd gear.. What is...
  2. Hollow Man

    Does anyone make frame sliders/protectors for these bikes?

    I've searched and only seen some for the older Rocket III
  3. drjay44

    Bad Experience. Would like advice on 2 bikes

    Well I had found a good deal on a 2022R with 7K on the clock. It was 14K. This was at a RideNow dealership. Made 2 trips and the 14k became 17.5k. Oddly they have corporate policy of no test ride on sport bikes. You need to sign the paperwork to purchase and AFTER purchase they have you...


    I have been working with several customers, getting their bikes running well with the TTS supercharger. A few are really enjoying their new ride. But there must be quite a few who have either got their bike up and running with no issues ( the only issues people are seeing is getting the Tuneecu...
  5. Fozzie

    Tribal bikes

    Ok, Im obviously bored sat on my lovely office sofa, anyone else got a tribal rocket? Anywhere I can see how many were produced and sold UK/Rest of world? Mines a Diablo Orange tribal,
  6. Rocky Raccoon

    SHORT NOTICE - Season Closer - All Bikes Welcome. Sweetgrass, Montana USA / Coutts, Alberta CANADA

    Going to the last big run of the season in Sweetgrass Montana this weekend and would love to have a fellow Rocket owner also show up..... It will be dull with all the SLOW Harleys and Indians there and could use the extra muscle ..... August 25,26,27
  7. zenbiker

    Carpenter Bikes

    The Carpenter bikes are powerful and fast as hell. I had the 240 job done on the 2077 R3 I owned. After about 7000 miles the bike had a bent INTAKE valve which Carpenter fixed for $2400. A short time later the bike would not start easily and was breaking up terribly. I actually gave the buyer...
  8. Professor

    New to forum. Looking for advice

    I've been riding bikes for 56yrs now and starting to wind down but still have the bug. I Currently own a 1983 Honda V-65 Magna with 21k on it and purchased new. My question is looking to upgrade to a 2023 Triumph Rocket 3 GT. Is there any bad quirks about this bike that I should know of like...
  9. Mongler07

    Some Guy smashed both my bikes (insurance question)

    SO a bit of a story here Guy at night, when raining, in his truck backed into the parking spot seen here (both motorcycles were under reflective black covers) and hit the ninja and it fell over into the Rocket. The foot peg dented the ninja’s tank, and a bunch of damage to nearly ALL plastics to...
  10. Justdad

    Looking to replace two bikes stolen a couple a weeks ago

    I just finished a five day ride around Colorado with my nephew and had the bikes back in my trailer and we were staying the night in Denver before heading back to Idaho. I could see the bikes and trailer from my room as they were underneath a parking lot light and surrounded by six to eight...
  11. Korte

    clutch reinstall thrust washer locations on 2013 r3 phantom red roaster,,i had this bikes clutch in a box ,basket case when i bought it,,,HELP

    were does idem part number 23 go and its place on the reassembly per the factory triumph manual I HAVE,,its called a spacer clutch assembly part number T1172727,,i got everything thing else and identified there placements per the manual on the tranmission output shalf,,but this spacer needs to...
  12. Journeyman

    The Death of Combustion Bikes

    Don't shoot me- I'm just the messenger.... https://www.cycleworld.com/story/motorcycle-news/united-kingdom-proposes-end-sales-combustion-engine-motorcycles/
  13. Justdad

    Superbike test from 1972 and what those bikes would cost in 2022

    I thought some newer riders and some old riders might like to take a stroll bike to what Superbikes in 1972 were like in a period show down in 1972. Now I am sure owners of any of those bikes tested in 1972 were quicker and faster than the testers achieved in 1972 but it relative. I also...
  14. Journeyman

    Speed Limiters on Cagers in UK, Bikes Next?

  15. mexican

    In 2 years i will sell all my bikes...

    Well, almost all my bikes, i will keep one. Will sell them to finance a mid life crisis, or is it a 3/4 life crisis?:roll: Ever since i was l kid i have always wanted a fast car, usually fast goes hand to hand with expensive, and never had the kind of money to buy something faster than an...
  16. Justdad

    Dorky Dad bikes or Dorky Riders?

    The age old question
  17. tino19625

    Bikes and breakfast

    Nice group locally, if you want to ride/chill for a morning - I went to the last one here and they have a few groups in other areas on the east coast of the US... Poolesville MD October 17 Sunday, October 17, 2021 9:00 AM 11:00 AM POOLESVILLE TOWNE CENTER19639 Fisher Avenue Poolesville, MD...