bike lift

  1. Slo1


    Hi, PLease see below my progress on making a copy of the big blue bike lift. I am awaiting some laser cut items for the arms.. Cost to date is shown below State Wide bearings 51204 thrust bearing $20.00 qty 1 Bearing to go under the top of the screw FTNM20X4 BRONZE NUT $130 qty 1...
  2. Ishrub

    Rocket III BIG Blue bike lift for sale in Midland, Perth, Western Australia.

    I think these have ceased production and this is a bargain at Au$800 (US$550) as they were much more than this landed in OZ. Midland, Perth, Western Australia.
  3. Gibbi

    Bike lift

    Hi hoping to pick my GT up in the next week. My thoughts are now turning to lifting the bike for cleaning, tyre changes etc, and wondered what lifts you guys are using. I was looking at an eazyriser big blue lift. They do a dedicated lifting kit for the 2300 but not at present for the 2500, so I...
  4. Jeremy

    Bike Lift

    I have this lift here and i wanted to know if there are any issues with using this on my 09 R3T.
  5. Baloo

    Bike Lift / Stand

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a sensible budget stand. I'd prefer a universal one rather than a rocket specific one as I'll use it on multiple bikes (mostly the rocket and a 2018 Harley Fat Bob). This one has caught my eye and im going your wisdom can help me say yay or nay to actually putting...
  6. Mittzy

    For Sale Bike lift

    selling for a friend for $100 local pickup Brisbane
  7. Ishrub

    For Sale Not sold yet - Good price for Australia - bike lift

    AUD$399 (US$300) Pickup Sydney/Melbourne NEW ARMORBILT HYDRAULIC MOTORCYCLE LIFTER Motorbike Lift Stand Table Jack Hoist
  8. Evil Mitch

    For Sale 500kg bike lift

    For sale 500kg bike lift used but in great shape $300 pickup only Beenleigh Qld Australia
  9. Jag

    First time off the ground!

    Took two years and four months to get up the courage to lift this baby up almost pooped my pants I was so nervous!! She ain't no gs750!! Now to get to work, new tires and clean and grease those splines! Any advice from the members will be greatly appreciated. I'll let you know how I'm making...