
  1. Gerald and his Lush Racing beast

    Today Gerald is picking up his beast from Conrad our tuner, he said he didnt know about the posting stuff so im posting on his build and tune success, this week in Tn was brutal and even fighting high temps for days it turned out great.Ramair and LMS exhaust, and LushRacing really lights the...
  2. New Rocket Owner... What the hell?? Now I have to tame the beast...

    Hi Everyone, So I have been riding for 5 years and my latest ride is a 2004 Harley Davidson VRod - beautiful bike, loud and scary fast. I realized quickly I am a cruiser having never been over 5,000 rpm on a bike that red-lines at 9,000... lol. (Still not interested in knowing how fast she'll...
  3. Advice on slowly upgrading a low mileage o5 engine to a demonic beast one day?

    So my 05 r3 standard engine has a chewed up second gear rattlin round inside but otherwise is still a strong unit, with only 16-17k miles on it. Its out and a 14 roadster unit took its place. Anyone have thoughts of the tedious hastle/ minor cost of crackin into it myself to replace n fix is...
  4. Engine Guards for New Beast?

    Many years ago I was riding Big Red (2300CC) in West Virginia, rounded a curve on a road with high trees on each side thus hiding round the curve views and a fricking car was stopped on this 55 mph state highway. The result was I did a one and half gainer with full twist through the air with Big...
  5. Finally got my Big Beast back

    It's just a grey epoxy primer I'll ride it until winter to make sure my bigger tank doesn't leak and make sure I don't get stress cranks in the fabrication in aluminum, then in winter get it painted. I love it:)
  6. The tire for beast Cobra

    The Cobra on some of the fastest bikes in the world, when it matters. No wonder so many rocket captains choose this tire for there rides.
  7. Beauty and the Beast -- the Stable!

    1978 T140 and the 2020 R3, back together! The T140 was a 100% frame-off project with my own blood sweat and tears. The 2020 R3 is all factory fresh! Note the freshly fabricated Bag Racks on the T140... just got her back. Two entirely different experiences... the '78 is purely mechanical and...
  8. Unleashing the beast

    Hi guys from a newbie R3T owner in UK. Today i fitted a pair of TORs and a RamAir kit, and did the 12 minute tune. All seems well at the moment although the heavens opened so test ride will happen tomorrow. What's next . . . TuneEcu downloaded, cable ready. Which tune should i use on my...
  9. Lock your doors, the beast was out of its cage!

    It was 55 degrees here in Michigan today. We have had several rainy days, so the salt was off the roads. I decided to "Release The Kraken" for a little riding time. With the monster out of its box, I had a chance to try out my new Spidi Superstorm H20ut Pants from Revzilla. They really work...
  10. Making a touring beast

    Hey guys. It's been a long time since my intro. My name is Brian and I hail from Ohio. Huge shout out to you all. I read a lot of posts and have solved a lot of problems thanks to the community here. I recently picked up a Harley touring pack and am fabricating custom brackets for it to use on...
  11. Dang cold natured beast!!!

    This morning the bike gives me a face full of grief. When the temps drop below freezing as in around 27-29F, it becomes harder to start. Sometimes after several attempts at starting, it fires off but the check engine light stays on. After a few normal starts, the light goes out. (When this...
  12. X VTX 1800 rider.

    Been on bikes since I was 12, 61 now too many to list, and this 2015 Roadster I just bought 2 days ago with 1500 miles on it, Is a different kind of beast. I will be on here alot so hi everyone.
  13. Rocket 3 Touring - Tuning awaken the beast

    Hi All I have a rocket touring 2009 which is perfect for me having owned it for a while now I'm looking to up the power. Due to past insurance issues and waking everyone I'm keeping stock pipes on, however changed the filter to the K&N under seat. I have just brought the tuneecu cable and...
  14. Mini Beast horn

    new Rocket owner and shocked at squeaky horn on such a monster! Anyone ever installed a Mini Beast horn on an R3? If so where'd you mount it?
  15. The beast is sneezing. Any ideas?

    Hi guys Any wonder if anyone knows a remedy for this issue. On cold days when I start my bike she kinda sneezes. I mean literally sounds like she is sneezing. It goes away once the bike warms up. I haven;t located where the sound is exactly coming from but kind of feel like it is a blow back...
  16. OMG, HansO has released a BEAST.

    Wow, that tune I received from HansO is amazing Thanks a lot, I really enjoy, if possible, my R3 more than before. Only thing is, I kinda miss the pop and backfire a bit when de-accelerating, but hey, I wouldn't go back in a million years. It's ridiculous fast now, I guess I can wait with more...
  17. Introduction

    Hey, Im braden but most people know me as the beast, I finally got my leg over the Rocket and brought her home ... what an animal, totally in love. Ive just spotted she has TORS so I remapped her using TuneEcu which i used on the KTM as well, and the next step will be the Ramair and a set of...
  18. Getting New Legs Under the Beast

    So before doing any power mods, I wanted to get the RR undercontrol. I ordered Hagons for the rear (13inch) and Traxxion cartridges for the front all set up to my riding conditions and weights. This should go a long ways in stabilizing the bike over bumps and through the corners. Can't wait...