On this coming trip i am kinda worried about the beast, the filters are wide open and if i encouter heavy rain i may be in trouble.
According to Carpenter, a little water will not hurt anything and he sent the bike back to Bud without any filters at all.
What are your thoughts on this matter?
My rear tire has a slow leak and it is coming from the rim.
I popped the bead and found the problem:
There appears to be rough no-slip type product applied to the inside of the rim. I assume this is to keep the rear tire from slipping on the rim (163 ft/lbs is a LOT of torque). I applied a...
TuneEcu Version 5.2.59.
From the Google PlayStore.
Lonovo Tablet M10 FHD Plus.
Android TB-X606F-S300177-210304-BMP.
OBD Lonlec KL-1 with cable.
Triumph Rocket Roadster 2300 2010 Vin -435975
OEM 20352
Viking 3 into 1
RamAir air filter.
I have been researching the use of TuneEcu and...
I'm installing freshly washed injector nozzles, and I have an extra hose under the tank. Yes I looked where it might plug into, do you think I'd accept this risk of public humiliation if I hadn't looked? And failed to find it?
Here's what the hose looks like. I'm going to lie down with a cool...
has anybody done a measurement on the airfilter yet?
I'm pretty sure K&N has a panel filter that fits, just need to know the size so before I take mine apart I raise the question here
I have read many threads about the Ram Air but all the data is scattered throughout the forum. I want to gather here all the possible information to learn and be able to explain it to my Spanish friends. Here are the best wise guys from R3 and I ask you to show me please, thank you
I do not have...
Fitted Ramair and cat delete single open muffler. The is a sensor in the Ramair intake I noticed there is one in the old airbox as well . what if anything should be done with this sensor. Cheers
What's the engineering reason behind the way our R3's are piped for the OEM air intake? I've not modified mine yet; but I plan on installing the RAM AIR in the future. I've often wondered this and am thinking maybe it's really a cost-based solution or possibly keeping engine parts below a...
i installed the progressive front springs and while i was installing them i drilled and tapped the top cap for a Schrader valve. all went well i then put 20 lbs of air in it to bring the forks to the top. when i set on the bike it compresses just a little. the forks has held the air for about a...
We know the factory horn is a joke. I had the Stebel Nautilus on a previous Rocket and while it was plenty loud it wasn't the sound I was looking for. My morning commute is at 4:30 AM along a 30 mile stretch of Texas Hill Country Highway the locals call "The Meat Grinder". With these things in...
Got the above going on and loaded a tune that seems to work well with this combo. Just wanted to confirm as I am new to Tune ECU does this show that the secondaries are open 100%?
hi all i have ram air on my touring but im thinking about putting k&n pods on, the big question is what is better and what do you do with the I,A,T sensor on the k&n pods, and is there a kit for them.
Does anyone know off hand what the dimensions of the under seat air filter are? I am getting ready to put a ram air system on and thought of using the air box as a place to put a amp. I would take the seat off and check myself but my bike is stored in by buddies garage at the moment. Thanks
I just took delivery of a nee-to-me 2013 R3 Touring and excited to get rolling. Took it out today for a short neighborhood ride and then go to inspecting the bike (I bought it and had it shipped from a reliable seller).
Previous owner put on a custom exhaust and installed RamAir. However, I...